#are extended versions better just as good or worse than the original versions
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tossawary · 2 years ago
Needing something to play in the background during the day, I have started watching Transformers G1 and have now finished the first season. It is very funny to visit the original after getting most of my information through Fandom Osmosis and passing acquaintanceship with more recent Transformers media. I decided to start at the beginning (terrible decision, I know, I will not be changing it) because I have like 40+ hours per week that need background sound and I like studying adaptational choices over time, so I intend to progress through a bunch of Transformers shows in chronological order.
It's kind of like Star Trek: TOS (Star Trek is better) in that I find parts of it very charming, there are plenty of aspects that are even compelling in their potential, but it's also... bad. A lot of it is Very Bad, sometimes in a very funny way and sometimes in a way that is just Not Good and even Problematic. I cannot possibly recommend it.
The animation quality is understandably very low due to the context of its creation (television show from the 80s made to sell toys). I like a few of the Cybertron background paintings, but it still takes me a second to tell a lot of the characters apart, partially because there is a revolving door for supporting characters. The writing quality is even worse. The physics is all over the place. The powers and abilities are completely arbitrary. None of the science works. No one can decide what body parts the Cybertronians actually have. There is way more mind control in this show than I ever expected there to be. This is apparently an alternate universe where the Earth has various types of energy crystals. The Idiot Ball trope is flying all over the place like dodgeballs and the characters are repeatedly hitting themselves with it constantly. Some of the accents are quite silly, yeah, but it still doesn't justify how some people type them out in fanfiction.
And yet I am still mildly entertained, probably because I am already partial to both animation and space opera with robots. And I recognize enough of the characters to find these early versions of them very funny. And some parts of this extended toy commercial were very clearly Done With Love.
Megatron and Starscream are like two halves of a whole idiot. The Decepticons are incapable of not betraying each other for more than a few episodes. Except for Soundwave, who is the MVP of the Decepticons, and yet also does nothing to stop any of the drama. Both sides can just Make New Guys at any time apparently and the Dinobots should unionize. I think Optimus Prime essentially "ok boomer"ed Megatron in the second episode and it was justified. I can't believe that Shockwave didn't just straight up stage a coup or otherwise move on in 4 million years, like, man, DUMP HIS ASS already. Bumblebee has apparently always been Very Smol and Just A Little Guy. Because this is a kids show, all these giant robots are constantly calling the Mortal Enemies They Want Dead "dweebs" and "nerds" and "twerps" and it's Very Funny. And I'm just going to assume that Sparkplug is a nickname and not an adult human man's legal name.
Also, I know the reason that the human kids are in the show is so that the show can go, "Look! This could be you! Being friends with all your favorite giant robots!" But it very much comes off as the Autobots having no real context for Spike's age or squishiness, probably because their own newborns are already able to fight. And Carly's introduction involving renting scuba gear and breaking into the Decepticon base makes her look (and I mean this with bewildered affection) fucking nuts, girl.
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androgynousblackbox · 8 months ago
How To Lose A Lucifer in 10 Days. 10 [Radioapple, Appleradio]
Step 10: Help him out
Charlie extended three different maps over the desk on the staff room, going over them with her yellow eyes. With a pink marker in hand, she started drawing hearts over each of the locations that Vassago had written for them in a piece of paper. Lucifer had brought her some cookies for her to mindlessly munch on as she continued, triple checking each of them before passing to the next one.
"Five options to go through" said Vaggie with a sigh. "That is… good, right? It means that even if one fails, we can count on the others."
"Who knew that these stones actually travell so much" commented Lucifer casually, offering her some cookies that Vaggie took with a smile. "I mean, it would be good if we can only use and succeed with one, but it can't hurt to have more!" added with a chuckle.
He didn't bother offering to Alastor, sat on his own chair as he drank a freshly served portion of coffee since his last one was so unceremonously ruined. But he did still sat nearby the radio demon.
"So?" asked the king. "Did any of your contacts could tell you anything while we were away?"
Alastor refused to look at him directly. If he did he was going to remember the reason why Lucifer's smile was especially bright that day, brighter than it had ever been since he was on their universe, and he would have to contend with the fact that another Alastor, somewhere far away from him, was carrying Lucifer's baby. Something he very much rather to ignore as much as possible. The whole relationship thing and raising Charlie together since her birth, or creation, or whatever Lucifer had call it before, was one thing. Incredible and incomprehensible, but events that he could accept could happen on some other place with some other Alastor, that clearly was too different from him for him to care about at all.
Then the announcement of Lucifer came like a wrecking ball to shatter the comfortable distance he had managed to create and force him to have thoughts he did not want to have. Like why. Or how. Like why this Lucifer acted as if he knew him so well and then kept telling him things about his Alastor that sounded so alien to him? What could have possibly make any version of himself to submit on that way to Lucifer of all people?
Well, he was the king of hell, of course. Powerful, for sure, and that always counted for something, even if he never did anything with it. His cooking wasn't completely revolting. Maybe some of his jokes were worth a chuckle sometimes. His taste on music could be a lot worse, he supposed. But he couldn't imagine that was all, that it would be that simple.
For years he had rejected making deals that would involve the use of his body in ways he wasn't willing to give, and another Alastor was just letting another creature inside a body similar to his when Lucifer wasn't even there to gain any benefit from. For no apparent reason that he could see. It was too strange to not ponder about it, like contemplating a bizarre accident on the streets, but one of the deceased had his face and he had better things to think about than that, thank you very much.
"As expected, nobody has heard about something called origin stones per se" said, reaching out his tentacle to one of the places Charlie had already marked on the map for the Pride Ring. "But I did heard about a new rising Overlord bragging about getting something that would let him become the most powerful one in all of hell. If I am not mistaken, around that area is where his gang gets to reunite most of the time. The stone could be exactly that new adquisition or a made up lie while the stone just so happened to be buried somewhere close. Either way, that is the only coincidence I could tell you."
"Mmm, Vassago just said these were in land, not how" said Charlie, remarking the heart she already made with a circle. "We could try this one first, papa!"
"That sounds promising" Lucifer grinned to the sinner. "Nice job, Alastor. I knew we could count with your connections."
Alastor hummed. Despite the less than pleasant news, it was still nice to be recognized.
"This other one is right where a big mall building is at" added Vaggie, checking on her phone. Charlie wrote mall in a small sticky note and put it over the corresponding heart. "If they were selling something like that normally we would know already. A very rich guy is the owner. He might have his own stone. If so, it should be no issue to convince him if the king is with us" added, looking up to Lucifer who froze for a moment, as if he never expected his status to come into play at any moment.
It took a second for Lucifer to recompose himself. Charlie was adding more sticky notes with the information she was gathering from her own phone, while Vaggie was looking too. Nobody but Alastor noticed the way the king swallowed hard.
Ah. This king seemed even more reluctant than their previous one to use whatever power he did have, even to his own benefit. That only made the actions of his Alastor make even less sense to him now. Wonderful.
"Oh… sure! Yes, totally, that makes sense. But uh, that place is big, isn't it? We should probably try with the gang before, that seems the easiest. If everything comes out alright, I could be back home by lunch! Then you are going to get rid of me!" added, looking at Alastor. "Aren't you glad for that, Al?"
"Can barely contain myself" Alastor's deadpan words had Lucifer giggling. "Peace and quiet. I have almost forgotten what that was like."
Lucifer grinned wider as Vaggie stared at him with a frown.
"What are you talking about? When our Lucifer was here peace and quiet was the last thing any of us had. We are kinda in the middle of this mess because of that, or did you forgot that already?"
Alastor shrugged, dismissing her with a hand gesture like an annoying fly. She was right, of course, but she was never going to hear it from his own mouth. Lucifer looked from him to Vaggie.
"What is done is done already, come on" said conciliaty to the fallen, without losing his smile. As if nothing in the world or the three realms was ever going to dampen his good humor. "Besides, I am sure that when the Lucifer of here is back things will be different, right, Al?"
Alastor made the mistake of throwing a glance to face of the king and almost instantly had to turn away, focusing instead on drinking his coffee. It was like staring into the sun directly every time. How annoying. Nobody should be that happy just for having an extra mouth to feed.
"I can't make any promises" said simply as a response and he could almost feel the pout that Lucifer made, something he absolute refused to aknowledge.
He had no idea what else did he expected. Just because they haven't fought properly since his arrival, that didn't meant that anything would have changed once their king was back in place. He stopped drinking when the thought suddenly struck him.
The other Lucifer that was currently where this one belonged to. That Lucifer was right as they spoke in the same space with a derranged version of himself carrying a baby. Probably being an embarassment and givig Lucifer plenty of material to joke about with Angel, who no doubt would love to have a companion to laugh with. He could always threaten the spider demon with pulling his extra limbs apart if he didn't kept quiet, but he wouldn't be able to do the same with that Lucifer.
That was so utterly awful he almost groaned outloud. Why did people decided to have babies without thinking in how it could affect others, especially him? Didn't they realize how selfish that was? That other Alastor clearly had to be out of his mind to allow such a thing to happen.
He even pondered if it would be so bad to just let this Lucifer stay indefinitely, to save himself the future trouble. Keep a little cook around wasn't the worst kind of situation to be in. He even knew how to cook cannibal meat already, that was highly convenient. Even if Charlie got sad for losing her original father, she and this Lucifer could find comfort in each other until they forgot all about it. There was no emotional baggage for years of neglect and emotional distance with this Lucifer. This one was just openly loving all the time, she would learn to appreciate that. That other Lucifer could raise whatever mistake they made and have another chance at ruining someone's life. Wasn't that a win-win situation for everyone actually? Vaggie and the other residents had said already that things were a lot calmer on the hotel since the change. Perhaps Charlie could get her wish fulfilled after all.
Speaking of the princess of hell, Charlie put a sticky note with the word Ocean on the portion of her map of Greed that they already knew was underwater. She checked all of them again to be extra sure they were all clearly marked with what they knew of each one and nodded to herself.
"I think we have everything as ready as we can. Want to go now, papa?" offered and Lucifer's face fell, eyes open big.
"Oh, no. No, no, no, sweetie, you are not going there" said, looking for support in Vaggie. "It's way too dangerous. If that overlord doesn't know about the stone, if he find us looking around he can get annoying."
"Maybe he is right, hon" added Vaggie.
"Papa, I can help too" said Charlie, frowning. "Wouldn't be better to have extra eyes searching? What if you can't find it on your own?"
"Alright, alright, since everyone is insisting so much, I guess I can accompany his Majesty" said Alastor suddenly.
Lucifer slightly raised an eyebrow, but otherwise his smile grew a bit more as Charlie and Vaggie both stared at him with different level of confusion.
"You just said it yourself, Charlie dear. Your father might need as much help as he can and I had nothing better to do this morning anyway, so might as well offer my services. Who knows, I might be able to pick some meat for myself instead of going to the store" he chuckled to himself as Charlie pursed her lips, looking up to Lucifer.
The king shrugged his shoulders.
"I think that is a good idea, duckling. Alastor can give a fight if there is any issue and his shadow can help cover more ground" Lucifer rised up from his chair and went over to the map of Pride, looking for a point close to the exact location of the stone and put it on his phone. "We are both going to be fine, sweetie. I will send you a text for anything that happens."
Charlie sighed, her gaze still going from Alastor to the other version of her father. Alastor understood a little the hesitation, even if he foud it inconvenient. Before leave the two of them alone would have been the perfect receipt to have a disaster in their hands. The last one had ended with her missing her own birthday.
"It will be fine" said Alastor, lifting himself after sending his mugh away through the shadows. "We are two ground adults here. I am sure that we can manage a little mission for the benefit of everyone."
"Well… it has been nicer here so" Charlie smiled a little, rising two thumbs up, "good luck to you two, then."
"Meanwhile, sweetie, if you want to help, you can keep investigating on your own, about the stone or the other points we can go to" said Lucifer, going up to her and floating on the air briefly to reach her cheek. The final trace of doubt seemed to melt off the princess's face at the gesture. "Everything will be fine. Good luck to you too."
He finished typing on his phone the address from the map and once he had it on the screen, he swipped a finger across the screen to open a portal in front of him. Lucifer looked at Alastor, clearly expecting him to go first.
By itself, Alastor wouldn't mind. Just in case he took out his head first, seeing that the portal was just on a dark alley against some dumpster before the place they needed to go. It was rather calm on the streets and nobody paid any attention to Alastor as he came out, fixing his suit. A moment later the portal closed and Alastor turned to witness an pink succubus in place of the king.
"What is that?" asked, pointing to the everything.
"A disguise, obviously" said Lucifer, laughing nervously as he brushed her now long hair back. The succubus in question had a tight sweater and some jeans, both of them remarking his figure. Alastor was absolutely baffled as to how quickly he had changed into that, as if he had it on the ready. "If anyone starts getting suspicious, I will just distract them real quick so they don't bother us anymore."
"I can see the point of a distraction" said, narrowing his eyes. "I am wondering the reason why this specific kind of distraction was the first one your Majesty thought about."
The succubus turned his eyes away with a shrug.
"Look, I am just used to this form, okay? Don't think too hard about it, it's not that deep" Lucifer walked past him to look beyond the two buildings they were in.
He was hearing boots with heels. Why was he wearing booths with heels and leaving behind a smell to perfume of flowers. This was way too elaborate for something like how they were planning.
"Used?" questioned. "So you have disguised yourself like that before?"
"My Alastor likes it" said Lucifer, a red blush over pink skin taking over as he looked to the side. Alastor's curiosity was slightly poked. Maybe the sight of the king was so repulsive that was the only way that the other Alastor could tolerate his presence. That would be funny at least. Although why this particular form was better was still a mystery he couldn't imagine. "Nevermind that" added Lucifer, turning to him. His tiny pink hands landed on his hips. "Now that Charlie is not here, we can talk about why you are."
"I am here to help" said Alastor simply, offering a plesant smile. "Did his Majesty forgot about that already? Is the age finally catching up?"
"Oh ho ho, cute attempt. But no" Lucifer crossed his arms over his massive chest. Why was that so massive. "You have been telling me all this time that you don't care about me, don't care about the other Lucifer and now suddenly want to help me get the stone that would let us change places? With a stone that can concede literally any wish you have?"
"Your Majesty, I am shocked" Alastor smiled with mirth. "Are you saying that I could have some ulterior motive to want to help you? What a preposterous idea is that."
Lucifer looked at him with half closed eyes, entirely not amused.
"I did notice that you don't have your cane with you" commented, his eyes flickering on the place where his can should be. His eyebrows came slightly closer as he looked up and Alastor almost sneared at realizing it was sympathy. As if he asked for such a thing from him. "You lose it during the fight with Adam, didn't you?"
Alastor forced his face to remain frozen, even though he knew there was no much of a point. Not when this king had already seen, or felt, how badly that situation had left him.
"Your Majesty, this is not really getting you any closer to come back to your family" tried to cut it short, but of course, Lucifer was not letting it go.
"So now you want the stone to wish for another. Or maybe for another thing entirely" said Lucifer, looking up to him in such a way that, for a brief second, Alastor wondered if he did actually knew. That second passed quickly, luckily. "You don't have any connection to me so you don't have any actual reason to help me. I am just adding two and two together here."
Alastor didn't say anything. Waiting for the king to realize he wasn't going to say anything just so they could continue with what they were set out to do. Lucifer groaned, rubbing a temple with a hand.
"If you want to use the stone for yourself and whatever is you have in mind, fine, I get it" added with a sigh. "But I really need it too, so how about this? This is a bigger stone. We know already it can be devided because that is how Vaggie got the one we have. If you help me to get it each of us can get a piece. You wish for that thing you want and I wish for what I want. Sounds fair to you?"
There was again, that blind trust that was based on nothing more than knowing another Alastor that, the more he find out about, the less had anything to do with him. Normally Alastor would love to do anything to remind Lucifer that he never was and never will be the same as his Alastor, but maybe he could take advantage of this at least.
"Mmm, sounds like a good deal to me" said, offering his hand.
Lucifer looked at it before rising his eyes again.
"As long whatever is that you wish for does not harm Charlie, that is" added.
"Of course" Alastor's smile grew and then froze when Lucifer just nodded, turning around to start crossing the street. "What, no handshake to make it official?" teased lightly. "You were so ready to shake my hand before, your Majesty. What changed?"
"I am counting on your honor now" said Lucifer reaching the other side. Alastor almost chuckled with the return of that card he had played before. "Also my husband said no more deals, so I am cutting on those."
"The husband you aren't actually married to?" poked Alastor happily. "I don't see him around here. I can keep a secret if you keep yours. How would he know?"
Lucifer pouted at him, pursing his lips.
"You could also just tell me what is that you need so I can help you get it" said, his face softening again. "I don't know how to tell you this so you will get it through that thick deer head of yours, but if it's something you actually do need I want to help you."
Alastor almost laughed. As if both of them didn't know the only reason he had any positive association with him was because of what that other Alastor had done with him. Letting him ruin his body with foreign magic and who knows what else. As if it wasn't obvious that a Lucifer without that positive association was never, ever, going to be of any help for him unless he was forced to be.
Not to mention the glaring factor that this Lucifer would always put his own Alastor first. Why would he ever accept something where he was only going to get second place, if anything at all? In the end, the only person someone could count with was oneself.
"What if it's a matter of choosing between what I need and what you want, your Majesty? Is the option going to be so easy?" asked, not really waiting for a response as now he walked past him. "Nice sentiment nonetheless. You can pat yourself on the back for it if you want."
"I am serious" sighed Lucifer behind him. "It doesn't have to be a you vs me thing. We can actually work together so we both get what we want."
"I thought we were doing that already?" said Alastor with a chuckle. Lucifer moved fast to catch to his pace without asking him to slow down, probably knowing he was going to ignore it. "As long we are going towards our common goal, I will be the perfect companion at your service. What else is there to talk about? I thought you wanted to count on my honor now?"
"Just saying, that option exist" pointed out Lucifer, right before the two of them stopped in front of a locked gate. The chain holding the two door together had a sign saying passangers to keep out. Another one up top on the left let them know this was the territory of the Painting Overlord. "Ah, so this where this fucker was."
"You knew him already?" asked Alastor, rising an eyebrow. "I wasn't aware your Majesty was on top of up and coming overlords."
"My Alastor already killed this one once when he attacked the hotel trying to prove himself" Lucifer commented, looking around. Seeing as there were no guards nearby, he grabbed the heavy padlock and destroyed it in his hands like it was merely paper. When he let the pieces fall to the ground, they made a hard clank noise. Alastor couldn't help to wonder how easily bones could give in between those fingers too. "He was in a good mood so he took his time, but other than that this guy is not a big deal. For trying that move I can already tell you this is an idiot who is probably way over his head and hasn't realized yet. Probably easy to manipulate if you play into it."
"Or we could just kill him" added Alastor. Either worked just fine for him.
"Sure" Lucifer shrugged. "Let's see first if he even has the stone on his possesion or he was just bluffing. If he does have it, let me have him show us where."
"And how, pray tell, are you going to do that?" asked Alastor, turning just in time to see Lucifer snapping his fingers to change the sweater his succubus form had for another one with a considerable boob window. Alastor tilted his head. Was that really something the other Alastor liked? It made no sense for him. "Seduction, seriously? You won't make a deal with me behind your Alastor's back, but this is fine?"
"If it's for the sake of returning home, he will find it hilarious. Especially if you do kill him later" Lucifer smirked. His voice had shifted to a higher pitch one that was softer and just a little tad raspy. It sounded almost nothing like his normal voice.
Alastor narrowed his eyes, doubting if he really wanted to give that kind of satisfaction to that other Alastor. Even though he had no idea why that would satisfy him at all in the first place.
"I guess I was just hoping that a king would have a more sophisticated plan in mind" tried to redirect, just in case. "My fault for that one, I suppose."
"Trust me, this has worked before. You keep close in shadow form" Lucifer passed a hand over his hair, curling up in soft waves around himself. "Oh? What happened with being the perfect companion all of the sudden?" added, fluttering his eyelashes at him. In what moment did they became thicker and larger? "Not so cooperative now?"
Alastor evaluated his options. In the best case escenario he found the stone first without this Lucifer being none the wiser. In the worst case escenario, this Lucifer cheated on his beloved not really husband in front of his eyes and he wished to become blind instead of anything else. Since the possible benefits still far outweighted the con, he sighed.
"Very well" said simply, letting himself dissapear on the shadows.
A portion of it came to surround the shadow of the little monarch, making it darker than it should be, while another shadow separated from the rest to move forward.
"There we go" said Lucifer, walking over to the closest building there was.
The whole place was full with both storage units and warehouses, some bigger than others, where in literally any point at all there could be the stone they were looking for. Alastor followed Lucifer until he knocked on the first down. The necklace remained as inexpressive as it was. In a moment someone opened up the door. A demon with a canvas for a face constantly changing to fit whatever expression he had. His eyes were immediately drawn towards the chest of the tiny king.
"Oh, are you the Painting Overlord?" said Lucifer, fluttering his eyelashes, pretending to be meek. "I-I heard that you were one of the strongest overlord around here? Maybe… one that could give some kind of protection for a girl who needs it? I-I can pay if you want me to."
The smile on the canvas reached almost the edges of his face as the demon opened up the door wider.
"This has worked before?!" repeated Alastor as he jumped behind some boxes full of some kind of contraband. The bullets of the whole gang were shooting against it and around them, for the chance of any to catch them.
Lucifer, still insisting on looking like the succubus, came with him.
"It's not my fault he got too handsy before showing me shit!"
Alastor sneared. Even he could have told him that the moment they got around the now gone overlord. Lucifer sweetened him enough to take him where the rest of the group was, their own stone finally getting to move a little on top of Lucifer's boob window. The only thing they got in the confirmation that the overlord did have the stone in his possesion and knew what it was for. Then he made a gesture to the rest of the sinners there to get closer and a hand on the succubus chest, trying to pull down the fabric of the sweater.
The eyes of Lucifer flashed red as he slapped away the overlord. But it wasn't just any slap. Where once stood the demon there was nothing and in one of the furthest walls of the warehouse was now just a red splatter that smelled to acrilyc paint, the canvas and easel that hold it destroyed on the ground with all the bits and pieces that didn't explode on impact. Squashing a freshly fed mosquito would have left a similar impression, obviously this one in a much bigger scale.
Everyone needed a second to understand what happened. Lucifer most of them all. Then everyone started pulling their guns, yelling about how now it was their chance, and that is when they had to ran away. Normally Alastor would be the last one to ran away from a fight where he was already in the middle of anyway. The issue was when one of the bullets managed to grace the shadow under Lucifer as he ran and Alastor had to manifest himself to be sure that the sting on his face was exactly as he was thinking. When he pulled his hand away a trace of his blood was on there. For that bullet to still reach him in non corporeal form it had to be something that rejected sinner's magic, not just their bodies.
Why the hell this third rate gang recently leaderless had angelic bullets?
"What? What happened?" asked Lucifer when he didn't say anything.
"Nothing" said, thinking he just needed to grab a better cover now.
"Did they hurt you?" wanted to know Lucifer. Alastor groaned, but then the tiny hand of the king grabbed his chin and turned him quickly towards him, making his neck crack.
Alastor was surprised of how strong the grab was, while still not hurting him. As soon as the eyes of Lucifer landed on the single, tiny injury on his cheek, they flashed in red again. A flare of fire came out of his mouth as he panted, his real horn coming out his forehead.
"It's nothing" insisted Alastor, trying to pull away just in case this brute end up making it worse by breking his jaw or something.
But the grab of the king gave away easily and he had to hold to the box guarding them to not lose his balance.
"Those pieces of shit hurt you?!" growled Lucifer, his form entirely gone to leave the real king.
Alastor didn't say anything to not make this worse somehow and end up affecting him. Six wings pulled out from the back of the king, but he only had one second to appreciate it before he just dissapeared. A second later, screams started filling the whole warehouse. Alastor peaked over the box, ready to hide away if it was necessary.
None of the bullets were being directed in his direction. The few that were still being shot were pointing to the tiny figure of the king, even as he was slaughtering every sinners he could get his hands on. The bullets that did managed to reach him were just bouncing off his body, raining useless on the floor. Lucifer wasn't just killing them either. He was taking their time, using his claws, hands and teeth. Some of the screams were so lovely, but none of them were as clear as the laughter coming out of the king drenched on their blood.
"You think you can take me on, little sinners? I have eaten the angels whose bullets you are using! Don't mess with the king, fucking pussies!"
That was new.
Alastor finally noticed his mouth was open wide when a splatter of blood reached his face and he had to lick it. It was fresh as it could be, the fear entrenched on it giving that particular flavor of a painful end. He thought about Lucifer the day of the extermination, taking out the entire exorcist army single hand and eating the body of their dead leader purely out of revenge, to further humilliate him.
Back when he first heard about it, he wasn't entirely sure if he believed that Lucifer was saying the entire truth. He had no reason to believe that the king wasn't just embelesshing whatever is that happened on his side, either to brag or just to make more interesting that it actually was. Being known for all of creation as the father of lies wasn't a title that came from nothing, after all.
Only now, as he saw body parts and internal organs flying away the winged presence that laughed at their bullets, he could finally see it happening. The absolute raw power against none of them could do nothing. The thrill of the hunt as Lucifer dragged anyone who tried to run away, just to punish them further. The Lucifer that loved his daughter and ducks and yelled over news he was happy about was nowhere to be seen.
He wondered if the other Alastor had witnessed anything like it. If it scared him that could happen to him and also intrigued him. Walking constantly on that fine line between a comfortable life and torment only befetting to being close to the head of hell itself. The sudden realization of how actually small and powerless he was filling his chest with an adrenaline that had nowhere to go, nothing to do, because there wasn't escape from something like that. As a result he was just a statue contemplating everything, incapable of looking away.
If he did, maybe his actions made a little more sense. Maybe that Alastor had some trace of reason in the end.
Eventually Lucifer didn't had any more bodies to tear. The smell of carnage drenched the entire place and his usually white outfit was covered in so much red that he was still dripping as he flapped his wings. Alastor grabbed to the box he had used as cover as the king flew to him, the snarl he was hoping, or fearing, or whatever, to hear replaced with his normal voice.
"Alastor! Are you okay, buddy?"
Alastor stared at him, unable to think a single word to say. Or about anything at all. He closed his mouth again when Lucifer's hand reached for his face and he thought that was it, that was his final hour. For the deal with Charlie, for everything he thought and did and felt and all the souls he consumed, owned, traded and trapped. There was not going to be respawning for this and if there was, it was only going to hurt even then, the wound on his soul chasing further until hell stopped existed and… why was it warmth where he touched, forcing his face to relax and his smile to slip away a little from him?
"Ah, thank fuck" sighed Lucifer. He smiled with such an evident relief that Alastor just blinked. Did he really thought that single little scratch was that bad? Or it made no real difference for him anyway? Lucifer looked over his shoulder, at the mass destruction he had caused, and his face still covered in blood frowned a little. Alastor thought he was going to lament the violence, reject what he had done, pretend it never happened even, but that would have been too easy, too comfortable. "Sorry, I kinda didn't leave you anything to take home there."
Alastor tilted his head, genuinely lost, so much he didn't even bother covering up his confusion to pretend he knew exactly what was happening, as it would be the norm.
"I mean, you probably wanted a snack too, right? I got a little carried away. I can get you something else later though."
Alastor opened up his mouth again, not knowing if he wanted to ask something or say it, coming out instead with a expression that had to be stupid because he still couldn't understand why Lucifer's mind ever went there. For the first time since landing on hell, Alastor had completely forgotten about his eternal hunger.
Luckily for his dignity, someone did managed to escape Lucifer's wrath. A small chamaleon demon came out crawling from behind some boxes on the back. Seeing as the king was distracted, he ran away towards a safe box covered in a blanket. Alastor pointed towards him, alerting Lucifer, but not before the demon managed to open it up and grab a black rock on both his hands.
The wings of Lucifer flapped on the air as he flew towards him, but the chamaleon hold it against his body, making himself invisible. He got himself inside the safe box and closed it from the inside, cutting his own tail in the process.
"You stupid fucks!" laughed happily from there. Lucifer grabbed it and lifted it over his head with ease, sending it to smash against the wall. From inside, they could still hear the demon. "Let's see how happy you are when I become a literal god! I will destroy you all like you were nothing!"
The laughter was cut short a second later. The safe box smashed against some boxes and the door opened up, a white rock rolling outside with any traces of the demon nearby. They both waited in suspense, expecting a divine punishment or anything at all that signaled the wish was conceded. When still nothing happened after a while, Lucifer frowned.
"What happened?" asked to no one. "Hello, chameleon god? Are… are we too small for you to even remember us or what?"
"I think…" said Alastor, his voice coming out hoarse. He cleared his throat to try again. "I think the rock might have send him to a place where he was already a god?"
"You think?" Lucifer kept searching around. "He is definitely not here. I can't see anything god like either and you better believe I would know that shit if I see it."
"That is probably easier than to actually create a god, I suppose" Alastor walked slowly towards the white rock and grab it.
It was almost funny to consider that such a powerful thing, something that could take the king of hell from his throne or turn a mere sinner into a god, apparently, now was nothing more than a glowy paperweight. If only it wasn't because he was counting on it to work too he would have taken full delight on the comedy of it. As it was, he threw it to a side like the useless garbage that it was.
"That stupid box was made of angelic steel too" groaned Lucifer, looking over the destroyed box. "No wonder I couldn't detect it before!" Lucifer let out a growl and kicked the remaining metal. It instantly went flying off against the wall, but unlike the Overlord it didn't just crashed. It made a whole on the wall and onto the next warehouse, and the next one, until Alastor could see a clear tunnel where the box had dissapeared to. "Fucking bullshit."
Alastor lifted his eyes to him as Lucifer came back to the ground, brushing his hair back with both hands as he sighed. Alastor didn't know what was he expecting now. Another gleeful violent explosion just seemed far fetched now, but he wouldn't mind seeing it again. Even if rationally he understood that the only person Lucifer could enact any violence now was him and that should probably scared him more than it did.
"Ah, shit" Lucifer took a deep breath and let it out, letting the air flap his upper lip. When he turned his head towards him, his eyes had come back to the yellow everyone else was used to when seeing. "Wanna grab some bull demon on the way home? I am hungry now."
Someone's arm landed near Alastor from whichever point of the ceiling had been stuck with until now. Alastor looked up to see even more blood and carnage there. He could believe no problem that the being who did that was going to be hungry. Alastor swallowed as he looked again to Lucifer just as he was snapping his finger to clean himself up, leaving himself spotless. Once again as the tiny king he had known, the same could change back with their own Lucifer and nobody would see a difference.
The one that could have easily kill him or do a lot more damage with a single movement of his wrist and yet didn't. Not even when Alastor threw a piano to his head or was openly antagonizing him. The absolute worst he ever got from any of these Lucifers was being thrown across a room to a wall, and even then, it wasn't anything like what he had seen there. It hurt, of course it did, especially with an open wound as he had, but he could still walk on his own back to the hotel to continue their yelling until Charlie put a stop to it.
Alastor had been trying to get any position of power on top of the king, looking, waiting for an opening he could expand on his own, to try to show that he could be king all he wanted to and that was never going to mean anything in front of him.
Until that moment it didn't ocurred to him that not only he could never succesfully do anything effetive, but their Lucifer knew as well how much time he was wasting just trying to do it. Just an annoyance, never a threat. One that wasn't even worth killing.
"Sure" said, confused at his lack of anger at that thought.
It should be enfuriating. Insulting even. It should impulse him to look any way to show that weak willed king he wasn't someone to be understimated, ever, sinner or not. And yet, when the other Lucifer came walking towards him and looked up, concern painted all over his face, all he could think of was that he was so damn small to contain all that power. An illusion, another lie from the get go that even managed to trick him.
"Hey, it's okay" said Lucifer, clearly reading his reaction as dissapointment. He offered a small smile. "There is other stones to find. We will find it sooner than you think or my Alastor will on the other side! It will be fine."
Alastor took a step back and shrugged off his consolation, along with everything that was twirling inside his head, or at least tried to.
"Meanwhile" said, as casually as he could, "I believe someone offered me a meal?"
Lucifer chuckled.
"Yeah, I figured you would like that" He opened joined his fingers as if about to snap them for a portal, but before finishing the movement he saw over to him. "Ah, by the way" said, scratching his neck. "Do you mind if I turn into a mouse and go on your pocket? I don't want to attract a lot of attention and the king kinda does that, doesn't it? I won't bother you otherwise and I am still paying, of course."
Alastor stared at him. It was very obvious the request was more for his own comfort than anything else. Was this really the same king who slaughtered a group of more than fifty man like it was nothing? For a mere little mark on his face? There was no other, so he had to be and he had no idea how he felt about it. Reassured wasn't the right word. He wasn't sure that he was ever going to look at the king on the same way as before.
"If you must" managed to respond at last.
Lucifer checked the time on his own phone, but it was still too soon to the hour he had agreed to with Alastor. He could still be having dinner or being with Charlie or the other residents or other number of things that would put him in an uncomfortable situation for Lucifer to just call upon his soul. Knowing that now he could do that, and yet he still had to let him go so he could go about his day, had been one of the hardest thing he had to do in a long while.
The only thing that made it bearable was this, the promise that they could hear about each other later on the day if neither of them succeded on getting their wish. But now even that was just a comforting thought and more an itch that he had actively stop himself from scratching, even if it made him insane. He wanted to hear his voice again. He wanted to hear about his day. He wanted to feel him close and his and real, instead of away, distant and part of his head.
If he couldn't get that stone, at least that communication was going to keep the worst ideas at bay. After hearing about the baby, he thought that was going to make the waiting even worse, but all it did for him was making him feel positively giddy with excitement, another reason to not give up until they could be on the same side. This new baby wasn't designed by his hand, it was entirely up to forces neither of them could control, so Lucifer managed to distract him from calling by thinking how they were going to be when he met him.
He truly hoped that the ears and deer tail were still there. Nothing in all his years of existence had been softer than the ears of tiny baby Charlie as she slept between her parents. The first day that they saw that Charlie's tail wagged for one of his toys Lucifer was so happy he started crying, and Charlie cried too at seeing him, and Alastor had to take her on his arms to comfort her. His own ears pulled back as his internal radio provided some soft music to sing to, gently rocking her from side to side. Alastor was always so ridiculously good at calming their baby girl down.
He would be too for their new baby, no doubt about it. And Lucifer would see as he saw the first time and feel as if he didn't need anything else out of the universe, he already had everything he needed right there.
Seeing as it was still not the time, Lucifer tossed and turned on his bed. He went to take a bath and came back. He tried to make a duckie even, on the desk that had barely anything on it, but there was no way for his head to concentrate on any specific figure to manifest. He started stretching for the sake of it when the alarm on his phone went off.
Instantly, he was over the bed, with his knee over the pillows and closing his eyes to count to 100 seconds, just to give his heart an opportunity to calm down. It barely worked when he opened up his eyes again, but he didn't cared as he extended his hand, calling upon the contract. So easy to do, like extending an extra finger on his hand. Just like it did last night, the golden chain went into the wall and dissapear to stop moving a moment later.
"Al?" called when he didn't hear anything first.
"Hello, Lucifer " came the comforting response through the links and Lucifer smiled big, supporting his forehead against the wall as if that way he could catch a wift of his husband. Of course nothing came, but at least he still had his voice. "I am here with Charlie and Emily, love. Can you hear them?"
"Papa?" said the voice of Emily, hesitant. Lucifer laughed. "You can hear us!"
"It's the first time you call me that!" said Lucifer almost as the same time she spoke.
"I have been practicing!" commented Emily, proud of herself. "Did it sound natural?"
"It sounds amazing, sweetie" Lucifer grabbed one of his pillows and hugged it, as if to take out the need to hug Emily that way. "I knew it wouldn't take you long to get the hang of it!"
"Hi, papa" now it was Charlie.
"Duckling! How are my two little princess out there?"
They were both good, all things considered, missing him and doing the best they could to bring him back while Alastor was working with the other Lucifer. Charlie and Emily were glad to talk about the information they managed to get, while Alastor mainly let them talk. Obviously, whatever plan he had on his side haven't worked and didn't want to ruin the mood of the girls talking about it. Lucifer hoped at least he would change his mind when they were gone.
After trying to search for alchemist left alive in hell, Vaggie had the idea of going to Zestial to ask too since he was recorded as being the oldest overlord in all of hell. Despite his reputation of being ruthless, and Vaggie having her spear at the ready for anything, Zestial had been pretty open to talk about other oldest souls he knew. That is how they came to talk with an alchemist on the furtherst edges of the ring. Instead of old formulas to transmute something into something else, now that soul made his money creating the best drugs in town at the most affordable price.
Lucifer hold onto the chain, trying not to show his concern at having the two girls on a place like that, but Charlie assured him that Vaggie was with them the whole time and Emily said she punched some guy who tried to grab them. In fairness he looked just disoriented and maybe wanted to ask where to go, but still, Emily send him a healing spell at a distance and she thought he was probably going to be okay.
Once they managed to find the alchemist, a stack of money was all it took to have him talking. Yes, he was involved on the creation of one of those stones a long time ago. Unfortunately his mind haven't really retained the formula to make it. He did, however, was sure that by the time they made the last stone that was the last portion of the soil that there was in hell. Even if someone did had that formula, they weren't going to be able to create anything without that key ingredient. Meaning that making a new one was just out of the question.
"But, but!" added Charlie, "but that doesn't mean that everything is lost! We still have a bunch more stones to see!"
"Four?" suggested Lucifer and the gasp he heard from Charlie told him he was right. "Yeah, here is the same on that too. Today we tried for the first one with that… Al, you remember that shitty overlord that came with all his contracts the morning of Charlie's birthday? Well, the Al here is not a King Overlord so this canvas head never felt the need to go test himself at the hotel and was still alive. Still an idiot, though. I don't know who told them it was a good idea to have angelic bullets, but they had so I…" he smacked his lips, now realizing he probably should have waited to say that to Alastor alone. Too late now, "kinda had to take him down. But one of the guys there, some chamaleon dude, used the stone before I could grab it and wished to be a god."
"God is not a chamaleon" commented Emily, that must have done a quick made a mental revision just like Lucifer had to verify that.
Luckily neither she or Charlie concentrate on the taking out an entire gang part.
"Yeah, here neither. The other Al thinks that maybe the stone directly send him to some other dimension where he was a god already. If the stone just does that instead of actually giving you the wish, then what does that tell you about how difficult the other Lucifer and Al were, you know?"
"Mmm" came as a soft sound from Alastor and Lucifer pulled slightly on the chain.
Hoping, maybe too naively, that Alastor would see that as a reassurance that it didn't mattered, that he was already the best Alastor any universe could offer him and he would have never changed him if he had any say on it. Or at least that Alastor didn't started getting jelous somehow, of himself.
"What locations was that?" asked Alastor, returning the pull.
Lucifer wanted to believe that it meant he got to message. Or maybe he just wanted to move on the conversation. Or maybe they should create a system to understand what the hell what meant what when it comes to their only point of connection. In lieu of just having to imagine them because he couldn't see Alastor.
"I can't remember the address exactly. The place was full with warehouses and storage units. That was their place of reunion."
Charlie read the adress outloud and he nodded, stating that was correct a second later.
"That is a different address than ours. I think it's a antigue store?" added Charlie.
"Oh, maybe you will just have to buy it!" Lucifer sighed. "Either way, be safe out there, alright, girls? There is a lot of freaks out there who would love to have something like that thing. Just be careful when asking around."
"We will, papa" said Emily and Lucifer had to giggle at hearing her, which also made her laugh.
"I will be with them, love" reminded him Alastor, pulling on the chain more again.
Why did he think he wasn't more scared for them? But Lucifer didn't say that. Instead he wanted them to keep talking so he could pretend they, at least for a bit, that they were all listening to each other in the same room.
Talk about their plans for tomorrow. Talk about how even grandma missed him during their weekly dinner, sending her best wishes for them to get him back. Talk about how Angel had to return late to calm down his boss after Alastor had eaten a bunch of his employees. By the end of it all, two hours had passed and Charlie was the first to let out a big yawn, followed by Emily.
"Go to sleep, girls" sighed Lucifer. "Tomorrow hopefully I will see you myself."
After they both said his good nights to him, finally it was only him and Alastor at last. Lucifer loved his daughters, both of them, more than he could ever say, but it was such a relief to be just the two of them after spending the entire day without news. For a moment neither him or Alastor said anything to fill the void, finding a quiet peace on just sharing it.
"I told them about the baby" finally broke Lucifer the spell. Alastor chuckled on the other side. "It was a shock for everyone, just as I know you wanted. But joke's on you, honey, because either I told everyone or I was going to explode. It felt so good to just let it ouf of my chest. I can't wait to do it over there with everyone!"
"Oh, don't save me the details, darling" purred Alastor.
"You are awful" said Lucifer with a smile, before complying. When he reached the part of the other Alastor destroying his mug on his hand, he could hear his husband absolutely losing it on their room. "I am pretty sure I traumatized that man."
Alastor laughed some more before he managed to speak again.
"He will be fine" said, his voice still playful. "Maybe he should have gotten along with his Lucifer in the first place and wouldn't have to think about carrying your child."
"Speaking of!" Lucifer turned on his bed, kicking his hooves in the air. "How is my little cutie pie going along?"
"Since the one day that we knew about their existance, you mean?" Alastor chuckled. "They are fine. The queen of sloth told me how to check on the level of magic necessary, so that should make things easier to keep track of. Thanks to our contract I have lots of magic to spare now."
"But it's infinite so, you know" said Lucifer.
"Yes, yes, I know, love" said Alastor and let out a long sigh that had Lucifer rising an eyebrow.
"How shitty it went today?" asked carefully, pulling on the chain slightly. "I know you ate a floor so you either skipped breakfast or it was really bad."
Alastor, after a second, responded with the same force.
"Wishing to be a god, wether in this or any other dimension, that is respectable, my love. At the very least it's a wish that can be understood. The guard who hold the stone while making his wish had no taste whatsoever. I think that is the thing that frustrated me the most."
"Ah, that sucks. Want to talk about it, babe?"
Wanted he did. Lucifer had vented in a similar way to Alastor about his job thousands of times, so he knew exactly when to react to when the radio demon needed to the most to felt heard.
The part about the Voxtech guards using lethal force did concerned him, but then Alastor continued to complain about how he had to go to the V tower again and he had to terrorize Vox again so he would drop it with that stupid premium feature and accept broken cameras as a part of life. At least then his voice lighten up, finding it a welcome amusement to have someone's else misery to rely to him, so Lucifer couldn't do anything but appreciate it.
When it was time to sleep, Alastor told him he just wanted to sleep, nothing else, with their respective clone. Lucifer made his own of Alastor and related through the chain how he was hugging him from behind, feeling their baby. That he could totally feel, it didn't matter if it was the size of a pea right now, stop laughing. Angels were sensitive like that and it wasn't him imagining things, not at all.
"Whatever you say, love" said Alastor and Lucifer wanted to kiss the smirk off his face so badly.
"A father knows these things!" insisted, nuzzling his forehead between the shoulder blades of the clone. "I can't wait to see them myself. It's going to be awesome."
Alastor hummed, pacified and satisfied now as his breathing slowly relaxed. Lucifer left kisses alongside the back of the neck, making sure the sound could be heard, and he smiled when a small sigh could be heard in response. This was fine, for now, but it wasn't the same.
He didn't know it would take a month to see each other in person.
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loveofdetail · 1 year ago
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@sigilmint oh friend this comment made me so 😍
Short version: As far as in-game actions, really all you need to do is initiate his romance, betray the grove, roll to convince him to stay in the party, then continue his romance, roleplaying the situation however you want from there.
Long Version beneath the cut—this has a lot more to do with how my own out-of-game decisionmaking got me here, and how I interpret the macro-arc of my party/character.
My first bg3 campaign is a co-op game where we are mostly trying to do Good Route Things. Gale has been stuck in camp permanently because I was dead set on playing a wizard myself.
So I started my solo campaign with the vague notion of doing a Full On Evil Run. My character, Vuei, is a disillusioned and broken oathbreaker paladin. I was planning to romance Minthara because if she's only available in the evil route, might as well go all the way.
But I recruited Gale and immediately had a category 5 "Ohhh I can't not fuck him" moment.
Now, at the time I thought that betraying the grove would straight-up lock you out of his romance. Tbh I'm not sure why I thought this? But somehow that was the impression I'd gotten, so, I promptly jettisoned all my Evil Plans in favor under Get Under Gale's Robe ASAP.
I got all the way into Act 2 like this. Defeated and looted the whole goblin camp, made it to Last Light, all that.
Then one night I wanted to play but I was feeling too mentally wiped to make real progress and real decisions, so instead I loaded a save from right before saving the grove. I figured I would see what it was like, get to hear some Minthara dialogue, that would be that.
Instead I got one of the most immersive emotional rollercoasters a video game has ever given me.
I failed some rolls to deceive Minthara and started spinning a narrative where Vuei, who has recently lost everything and everyone they thought they valued, just... panics. Doesn't see a way out other than bending to Minthara's demands. Goes reflexively numb and nihilistic because apparently this is just the way the world works.
From there, the entire sequence from the combat itself, to Karlach (who was in my party) leaving me, to the reactions of various people at the party... it was just Moment after Heartwrenching Moment. I'm leaving some details out here because they really deserve to be experienced first-hand but at the end I was like. Staring at my ceiling processing all the implications for the characters.
Gale specifically delivers one of the Verbal Smackdowns of All Time to you afterward. You have to persuade him to stay.
But he does stay.
This was the point when I started getting the feeling that maybe his romance flag was still active? And the implications of THAT... my mind just ran wild with them. Who was this guy who would bitterly, righteously tell you that you're making him worse, then give you a second chance, secretly thinking maybe he's Not Actually So Different, then fall in love—ACTUAL love, not just 'I don't deserve better' resignation—with you despite it all?
I never reloaded my original save.
The game doesn't actually let you have any additional decompress-and-discuss dialogue after persuading him to stay, but in my imagination what I filled in was: a really painful heart to heart where Gale and Vuei agree Never Again. Where they are both at a loss as to how they can even go on from this. But they have to. So they will. At least they know the other feels just as guilty and ashamed as themself, and that counts for something.
It also made me think, why the pure black and white Evil Run/Good Run dichotomy? I really, REALLY latched on to the story structure of a party that makes One Huge Ruinous Fuckup at the very beginning that colors all their further attempts to Do Better, and that's how I RP'd going into act 2.
For instance: we couldn't rescue the tieflings but maybe we can extend the same grace to Minthara that we hope might be extended to ourselves.
In terms of game mechanics I actually took quite a hit here. Karlach took a bunch of great gear with her when she left (this may not happen in the current patch? unsure) and I decided my characters would not have it in them to go back to the goblin camp just to completionistly gobble up loot.
It felt like penance. The very beginning of the tangible consequences of the thing my character will regret most, for the rest of her life.
I felt closer to my remaining companions. Bound by atrocity. The last ones standing. By the gods it shouldn't have happened this way but after that we will NEVER doubt that we have each other's backs. I put Astarion in my party for the first time ever and this is when I began warming up to him as a character. Eventually when Shadowheart killed the Nightsong, it was like Vuei (and Gale) deeply disapproved but couldn't bear to cast judgement. The only thing to do is be there for her and hope she does better next time. We are all just hoping we'll do better next time.
The morning after our lowest point, we trudged resignedly to Rosymorn monastery. The stark, sublime grandeur of the landscape was a slap in the face. It was wrong that such beauty could still exist as though the world was indifferent to what we'd just done. It was wrong that we could literally climb above the ruins we made and in the distance they're just... another part of a breathtaking view. But here we are, standing on this cliff, somehow still able to feel wonder.
The new dawn imagery was both a lash and balm.
We carry on. We find a way.
OH ALSO I gave Gale Volo's eye and continued making Alterations to him as things progressed. Being vague because that's quite a bit further in but yeah, Gale Undergoing Changes is another big part of my vision here. It's All Connected.
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duhragonball · 2 years ago
Dragon Ball Super 051
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This episode suu-uuu-uuuu-cks...
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So Goku Black destroyed Trunks time machine, but fortunately, there was a spare: the one Cell hijacked from his own alternate future.  That takes some explaining, so we get a flashback to the events of DBZ Episode 140.  The weird thing is that some of this footage is brand new.
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And yet, some of it is from the original scenes in DBZ.  I don’t understand the purpose of that.  It’s not like Dragon Ball Super was ever shy about using footage from DBZ before. 
Also, this flashback is conspicuously in sepia tone.  Usually they just kind of tweak the colors to indicate that it’s a flashback.  I’m wondering if they did this to gloss over the fact that Future Trunks had lavender hair in Z, but now he has blue hair in Super. 
I’m pretty sure I remember some full-color flashbacks of Future Trunks in this arc, so I’m curious to see if those are still in this DVD set I bought, or if Toei edited the flashbacks to hide the lavender truth.  I mean, we already know they tinkered with some of the crappier animation. 
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The thing is, it’s all pointless, because we have Kid Trunks in every episode of this thing, standing right next to Future Trunks, and everyone points out how alike they are, except no one mentions that they have different color hair.  I don’t understand this. 
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Guess what happens in this episode?  Jack and shit, and Jack just left town.   Dr. Brief and his wife return from a trip, and that’s the biggest highlight of this episode.  It has nothing to do with anything, but it’s nice to see Bulma’s mom actually get speaking lines.  
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While explaining the whole story of the second time machine, Piccolo asks why Bulma still has it, and she actually goes onto explain how she asked Trunks for the spare so she could examine it before he went back to the future in DBZ #193.  Did we really need this explained to this level of detail?   No, but this episode is desperate to pad for time, so that’s what we get.
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Also, everyone keeps talking about how the spare time machine needs to be cleaned up before Bulma can repair it, but they just keep talking about it instead of actually doing it.  The episode ends with them getting ready to start cleaning it.  Not that I want to see an episode where they scrub the moss off a time machine, but the only thing worse than that is an episode where they talk about getting ready to scrub the moss of a time machine.
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Back in the doomed timeline, Goku Black just sort of floats around and talks about how useful his fight with Goku was.  Seeing the real Goku in action helps him understand how to better utilize his body.  He wants to study Goku’s powers more, so he can get even more powerful.  Uh... why?  You already wiped out nearly all life on Earth.  How much more powerful do you need to be?  Who’s left?  Mai’s cat?  Yajirobe? 
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Oh, and Trunks finally notices that the girl with Emperor Pilaf is the younger counterpart of the Mai he knew in his own world.  He takes her hands in his, and gets all sentimental, but it’s all meaningless.  Mai asks what she’s like in the future, and Trunks has this extended flashback of how Mai led the resistance, and they tried to trap Goku Black by dropping several collapsing buildings on him, but it didn’t work, so she had to save Trunks with a flash grenade. 
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I mean, they really, really want the audience to buy into this cool post-apocalyptic resistance militia, but it just doesn’t make any sense.  Goku Black can defeat Trunks at will, and yet we’re supposed to believe a bunch of guys with shotguns can make any difference.
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Also, the relationship between both sets of Trunskes and Maiseses is so poorly defined that it’s pointless to compare them.  The future versions are just very good friends.  Trunks is telling everyone what she was like, and as far as he’s concerned he may never see her again.  He thinks she’s dead, and he still can’t bring himself to say anything like “I loved her so much.”   Or “she was the only one who really understood me.”  Or “I never got the chance to tell her how much I cared for her.” 
Likewise, the child versions of Trunks and Mai seem to have no relationship at all.  Trunks seems to be sweet on her, but he’s too shy to say anything, and Mai seems oblivious to his feelings. 
Like they want this to be all profound or something, but it’s not.  These aren’t even the same characters at different points in their lives.  These are alternate universes, essentially.  Whis and Beerus can piss and moan about time travel, but at this point the two worlds are separate from one another.  One just happens to be seventeen years ahead of the other.  So it’s not like the adult Trumai is the culimation of anything that would happen to the kid Trumai.  It’s just a coincidence that in both worlds they have zero romantic connection. 
I mean, this whole business is further complicated by the fact that Kid Mai isn’t actually a child.  She’s the same Mai who was an adult in the first arc of Dragon Ball.  According to the Battle of Gods movie, she, Pilaf, and Shu were turned into children when they made a wish on the Dragon Balls, although this is never mentioned in Dragon Ball Super.  However, Bulma does make a remark in this episode about how they sometimes seem older than they actually are, and they panic, like their secret has been exposed.  So I think it’s safe to assume DBS is following the same backstory for the Pilaf Gang. Mai is a middle-aged woman in the body of a child.  This has made the Trunks/Mai ship a contentious issue in the fandom ever since. 
But I have a hard time getting worked up about it, because even though Dragon Ball Super keeps shoving it down our throats, there really isn’t anything to it.  Any romance between Trunks and Mai is only implied.   There’s no chemistry, no declaration of love, no nothing.
So yeah, that’s all I got.  Oh, and Goku goes to train while Bulma prepares the Time Machine for launch, but Whis and King Kai refuse to train him for this mission, so he’s kind of SOL.  That’s how weak this episode is.  They can’t even be bothered to show a clip of Goku training.  Fuck this...
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superstarlena · 4 months ago
Facts about the Third Floor (Spoilers for Mad Rat Dead)
Imma be real with y'all, these few chapters were an absolute challenge to write, in both a good and bad way.
Attempting to novelize a rhythm game, especially one with Mad Rat Dead's mechanics is surprisingly hard. Writing a story that has a constantly ticking timer in the background, and spacing out that time lapse in a logical way depending on the events happening in the foreground is not easy. But at least the rewind mechanics was pretty easy to deal with.
Thankfully I had the various videos of MRD levels, plus the extended videos of the level and boss themes I used as a guide. Thanks to those I can better follow the tempo and see how much 'time' passes as the events of the story happens in real time, even accounting for 'cutscenes'.
I had to take some massive creative liberties when creating the levels, and accounting for how to fit Mad Rat's mechanics of movement and attacking to Peppino, and how to adapt the enemies' attack pattern into the mix. That's how I came up with the Beat Barriers, in order to represent an enemy or boss being vulnerable, then adding that mechanic to the Pillar. And to also make sure that he doesn’t cheese some of the tanker enemies by just bulldozing through everything.
I couldn't for the life of me find a way to add the Employees in the level itself without it looking too out of place. So I opted for shoving them at the end, with the progress being tied to how many Fragments are found.
I also had to take creative liberty for both the cameos and the enemies that Peppino has to face. In MRD, Mad Rat had to fight what are essentially hallucinations, these... 'creatures' in the form of colorful abstract shapes. I have no damn idea on how to write these in, especially since Peppino or anyone in Gloucester isn't hallucinating in any capacity. So I replaced those enemies with the denizens of that world; the Gloucester Police and the Rude Rats Gang. With both parties tying in with Geronimo's background, and for the latter case, a stand-in for the Lab Rats boss fight as the chapter's miniboss.
Speaking of, the Fourth Floor Guardian, Geronimo Despereaux, takes inspiration of not one, but TWO Rodent based characters. Both of them being hinted in his name.
The most obvious one, due to his appearance, is Geronimo Stilton from the eponymous book series. The color palette, the book that he uses for his spells (His ‘Pact Boon’ for all you DnD Nerds out there), even down to knowing Italian since the book series originated in Italy. Which is why there was some easter eggs from the books sprinkled throughout the last few chapters. One example being that there was 1 character in the series per trio of Employees, along with Mayor Petunia Prettypaws and Chief Hercule Poirat.
The second is based off of his personality and his weapon of choice, a rapier, which Despereaux from the book 'A Tale of Despereaux'. (Though technically it's a sewing needle due to his size.)
Geronimo is supposed to be a chivalrous hero willing to protect his people and home. Even going as far as putting their safety above his duties as a Tower Guardian. So the best way for Pizzahead to corrupt him is to reverse his priorities, forcing him to stay in the background and watch as civilians get hurt. Which for a hero like him, is a fate worse than death.
But there is a major reason for his choice of Classes. Being a Bard is a given seeing that he lives in a music-based world. As for being a Warlock, to finally provide the long answer to an Anon’s question:
Does Geronimo have any sort of sickness or medical condition?
Alluding to Rat God’s true nature in game as a virus in Mad Rat’s head, tricking him to get eaten by a cat in order to continue living.
To fully answer that:
Short answer: No
Long Answer: It’s to provide Rat God a role as his Patron, with this AU version changing her from an antagonistic living virus hellbent on staying alive, to a benevolent deity willing to look over the Ratfolk Race, with Geronimo as her Champion.
A thing that I'm beginning to do is to add cameos and minor roles from the media that each Floor is inspired from. Hell, after thinking of that and forgetting to do so for the First Floor, I'm half tempted to revise 2 Employees to add Lemeza and Lumisa from La Mulana 1&2 in there.
But after Geronimo's defeat, two heart to heart conversations with a Vigilante mention, and a Rat God cameo...
The Third Floor has been cleared.
With a kidnapped Peppino forcibly removed from the party, Ella prepares to take his place to clear the next Floor.
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pushovermediacritic · 2 years ago
I’ve actually been watching through the anime with my friend for a few months now. It’s pretty good, though it’s clearly made on a modest budget, most of the big monsters are rendered in CGI and the animation is stiff frequently. The creature designs are mostly the same, though there are some that are significantly different.
It came out in 2007, so the dub is okay. The voice acting could be better, but it could be worse. The dub is the only official way to experience the show in the west, and it’s also the best way, for one big reason. The original version had to change a lot of the riddles and puzzles to make sense in Japanese, but the dub just changes those riddles and puzzles back the original text of the books.
The anime sticks pretty faithfully to the books, except they moved the start of book 1 (which is an extended prologue) to around episode 12 and there are 1 or 2 episodes of filler between every book. The anime was made with the approval and supervision of the original author, so it does a good job of capturing the spirit and nuances of the original books.
Overall, I’d give the Deltora Quest anime a 7.5/10 as an anime, but a 9/10 as an adaptation. If you’re interested in checking out Deltora Quest but you’re more into watching shows than reading, I would recommend it.
I love your monster reviews! I used to adore a book series when I was a kid called Deltora Quest, which had quite a unique and HIDEOUSLY deadly menagerie of monsters (the author, Emily Rodda, is australian, naturally). I always loved how creative they were, what do you think of them? To start you off, I think the glus would be right up your alley.
This came out exactly when I was in the target age group and would have rabidly eaten it up but nobody told me about it back then! Now I have to catch up with a whole massive franchise I guess. The Glus is definitely perfect and so is also the Stinger
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Is the animated series any fun?? I guess even if it isn't it's one more thing to leave playing while I try to work for hours
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chuuyrr · 3 years ago
What if there was another version of baby scarlet witch but she lost Gojo in her universe and desperately tried to control the original baby scarlet witch just to get close to Gojo and ends up chaotic much like in the movie :(( imagine Gojo seeing her crying and all injured just because she wants to be her dad and that she’s not a monster she’s just a little kid who wants to be held by the dad she lost 😭😭
multiverse of madness, but with scarlet witch! baby fushiguro! reader
jujutsu kaisen x reader
masterlist of the series
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╰➤ CW(s): major spoilers for multiverse of madness, mentions of death and scarlet witch's powers, possible spoilers for jujutsu kaisen, major themes of angst
╰➤ PAIRING(s): dad! gojo satoru x child! reader, platonic! first-year students x reader, platonic! sukuna x reader
i'm writing this fresh request asap because i'm kinda forgetful and the movie is still fresh from my brain, also im glad im not the only one's who's an emotional wreck after the movie, and what better way to cope than to write 😭
before you read: this written request will contain major spoilers for multiverse of madness. you have been warned. so, turn away if you still haven't watched the movie yet. i actually did change a couple of things, but this still outlines the events of multiverse of madness, just not exact or quite.
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you've never really had any trouble sleeping before. you were out like a light every time night fell or when you were tired from zoomies, and waking up always felt nice—that was until something weird happened. tou didn't think much of it at first, but then you realized you weren't in control of your physical form. you were seeing things from a third person's point of view, and what frightened you was that you couldn't return to your body. someone or something else was occupying it.
"that's not me! that's not me!"
you cried out, but just as you've learned about the astral plane and material plane, gojo couldn't hear you, and so did everyone else, except for the person that was using your physical form. they would just simply stare at you and proceed to ignore your pleas.
fortunately, this disorienting situation never lasted long, but it was terrifying. you informed gojo about the astral projection you were doing in your sleep and how someone else was inside you when it happened.
"i'm scared!" you found yourself breaking down into tears as you clung onto him.
"it's going to be okay, kikufuku. i'm right here, nothing bad is going to happen to you." was what gojo told you.
he was convinced it was just a nightmare, but it was so much more than a nightmare. it has gradually become worse. it didn't just happen when you're off to bed, it started happening in the middle of the day, and then it turned into days. you were forcefully taken out of your body, and so was your own control. it always happened as if you were in some sort of horror movie. you'd be fine, and then, the next minute, lights were flickering and your field of vision would become something frightening, and then a pair of red eyes that were very much like yours, except more menacingly, would be the last thing you saw before you were held captive inside of your mind.
whoever she was, she wanted control over you. she began to lock you inside of your own head and use your body as if you were being possessed.
"what are you doing to my body? stop this!" you extended a hand, trying to reach your splitting image that was standing meters away from the cage she had put you in.
"this is mine now! this is my life now!" she spat out, eyes hardening into a glare.
"why are you doing this?" your face faltered into a frown. "you and i are the same, aren't we? can't we be friends and talk about this?"
"we are not the same, because you have what i want." she muttered audibly enough for you to hear as she hung her head low.
you asked, completely perplexed, "huh?"
"you have him. you have my daddy."
that's when realization hits you like a brick wall. this explains the terrifying visions or memories you had whenever she was holding you captive. you saw what your variant had experienced.
in those memories, gojo died. yes, that's right. somehow, the strongest jujutsu sorcerer in your other self's world had fallen, and you found yourself feeling the exact pain she felt when you saw your dad's variant get buried and the higher-ups celebrated it as a victory, instead of a loss, and through the same eyes, you saw how all of this grief, loneliness, and awful ache had forced her to do the unthinkable.
your other self had learned how to hurt others; how to shed blood at such a terribly young age.
unfortunately, you didn't know how to feel about everything. you wanted to get angry and jealous every single time she was forcefully making you watch her take over your place, but at the same time, you felt sympathy. she was only doing this out of desperation and grief, and just like what your yuuji-nii had told you before, sometimes our emotions get the best of us.
fortunately, you still had your power and, with that, you fought back for control and devised a plan on how to fight fire with fire.
you were still the scarlet witch after all.
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"gojo-sensei, don't you think [name]'s been acting a bit strange?"
megumi was the first one to notice something was wrong with you, or in this case, your body. not only have you been constantly clinging to gojo, but there were times wherein you just didn't like yourself, one of which was how you'd stare at your reflection in mirrors and windows, and for some reason, the energy that was coming from you felt different.
the two of them were watching from afar as 'you' happily played with nobara in the ground when itadori approached them before gojo could answer, and sukuna came to be.
sukuna asked, morphing as an eye and mouth onto his vessel's cheekbone. "you idiots still hanging out with that thing?"
"what are you talking about?" yuuji asked, confused.
"that kid is not my brat.." sukuna's voice hardened, causing the limitless and ten shadows users to promptly stare at him. "surprised none of you have noticed that."
"what do you mean? we don't understand you, sukuna." yuuji exclaimed, completely baffled.
"don't believe me? then, watch this.."
sukuna cleared his throat and forced yuuji to saunter towards 'you' and nobara. sukuna morphed himself into an eye and mouth once again, and smiled sinisterly.
"hello, brat."
now, if it would have been really you. you would have tackled yuuji, erm, sukuna into a hug whilest addressing him as your older brother. you were known for being close with the king of curses, and how you weren't scared of him, not one bit. instead, you reacted differently. everyone watched in shock as you hid behind nobara, looking at sukuna in fear.
"where's my brat, hmm?" sukuna prompted causing you, or the one possessing you, to widened her eyes. "imposter."
"i don't know what you're talking about!"
'you' screamed, eyes flashing a menacing red color. with her emotions amplifying her magic, red psionics sent everyone flying and reduced the jujutsu tech grounds and structures into a debris and crater from her immense power.
just as your other self put her magic into play, a portal had ripped into reality and the next thing everyone knew, all of them were staring an a limitless sorcerer, but not quite. he was covered in dirt. he had an incredibly pale complexion. as his aquamarine eyes lacked life, they could make out a faint glow of red in his eyes.
"is that... gojo-sensei?" was all megumi could utter from shock.
"it's a walking corpse." nobara went pale as her eyes shrunk. "that gojo-sensei is supposed to be dead. j-just look at it."
everyone stepped away from the walking undead gojo satoru but at that instant, the variant that was hijacking your body attacked and lunged towards him.
amplifying this undead gojo satoru's cursed you were possessing with your own power, you made use of his infinity and repelled her.
"give me my body back." it was your voice that overpowered the undead gojo satoru's voice.
"[name]?" they uttered in unison, excluding sukuna, eyes widening upon realization.
"how did you.." the imposter, too, was just as surprised. "i locked you out! you cheater!"
"the old lady gave me the same book you used to take my body from me." you straighten your posture and stretched in the same way that your dad does, causing her to stare as the popping of joints cackled in her and everyone's ears. "just because you trapped me doesn't mean i can't use my wiggly-woos anymore. i can astral project even when i'm not awake."
"is that how you knew, sukuna?" yuuji held an astonished look.
"that's right, because the real brat came to me." sukuna laughed as he confirmed.
"i hate you! get out of my daddy's body, now!"
with that, your variant had made her terrorizing aura known, causing the vicinity to tremor under her power. her eyes darkened along with her fingertips, as if she was decaying or something.
"no, not yet. not until i show them what you did." you muttered, extending a hand out to her.
"you wouldn't! i won't let you do that!" your variant charged at you again, sending you large blasts of red psionics but with the infinity combined with your chaos magic, her attacks were useless.
everyone was frozen, processing, and completely speechless about what was happening right in front of their eyes. only was there another version of you, but somehow you were possessing a supposedly dead variant of the gojo satoru. you could bend the laws and disable restrictions with your chaos magic, rendering gojo's infinity meaningless, but when combined with his cursed techniques, they realized how indestructible it was.
sukuna, on the other hand, was impressed, apart from being relieved to see the real [name] he was familiar with. you might be a naive and inexperienced brat with god-like powers, but to outsmart your variant that had taken your body from you like this and learn how to use the limitless sorcerer's technique in such a short period of time? were you still even a kid at this point? you really were a force to be reckoned with.
"ryoiki tenkai."
using the trick or domain expansion you had learned in the past, you generated a massive red force field that engulfed you and everyone, including the imposter, inside.
sukuna smirked, knowing damn well what your domain expansion was as he watched the imposter attacking you suddenly run out of power or magic.
"what is this? why can't i use my powers?!" she screamed in frustration, restorting to your body's tiny closed fists to pound and bang against the infinity that had enclosed around the body you were possessing.
"in this space, only i can use my powers." you explained briefly before kneeling down to her height.
"stop this! get out of my daddy's body! stop using him!" the imposter broke down into a painful sob as she found herself staring into your eyes, or in this case, the eyes of her own dead father.
"do you think your daddy would have wanted you to do this?" you asked quietly, pursing your lips into a thin line.
"don't act like you're him! you're not him!" she argued and continued glare and throw fists at the infinity you put up.
"you and i aren't different! i don't know you but i do know we promised we wouldn't hurt anyone with our powers!" you retorted, breaking the infinity to hold the imposter's tiny fists into your hands.
you watched her pupils dilate at your grasp, it reminded her of her own father's warmth and touch. "this isn't right, it isn't right for us to take what isn't ours, please. open your eyes. i know you don't mean any of this."
gojo stared at the exchange between you and your variant. as much as he wanted to get angry at her for hurting you and doing those things that reminded him of suguru, your variant was just a child. she was still you, just from another universe. this [name] right before them was no monster, she was just a kid—just a child needing her father's love.
subconsciously, your chaos magic had allowed everyone in the hex or massive field of red to see what your imposter had done; from her using her magic to hurt and kill the others from the other unuverses when she didn't get what she wanted as she pursued them as a manifestation of her grief, anguish and frustration upon losing her gojo; everyone held their breaths as they saw your variant in the illusion you were projecting inside the hex all injured and bloody as she lost her will and way to her resorting to the book of the damned in hopes to get her father back, but it ended up corrupting her poor child mind and thus escalating to this; her hijacking your body to live your life, the same life she wanted to live.
"i'm sorry.. i'm so sorry.."
the imposter looked at you in remorse and shame, tears rolling down her face in the process as she recalled her father's words together with her promise when she looked at everything she had done.
"i didn't mean to hurt anyone. i just want my daddy back." she sobbed, burying her face onto your chest as she held onto you pitifully. "the book said i can have him back."
the first-year students watched as their teacher sauntered towards you and the imposter. "gojo-sensei..."
gojo knelt down with you and faced her, only to take her and hold her in his embrace, exactly as she wanted. you watched, smiling, as she finally calmed down and held onto him. your variant was just sad and missed her father a lot.
she wasn't a villain nor a monster.
"it's okay." he whispered, running his fingers her hair. "you're okay."
"no it's not. i have to make things right." your variant shook her head, sniffling before smiling at him then towards you. "it's what my daddy would have wanted."
your other self pulled away from your gojo and turned towards you, apologized once again before leaving your body, allowing you to return and leave the undead gojo's body behind, but not until she used your body's magic to rip a portal into existence where her physical form was waiting. you found yourself back in your rightful body afterwards. your other self promptly returned to her own body, just like you. she sauntered towards the now lifeless body of her own father, which you had just possessed earlier. she used her own magic to lift him into the air before returning to the portal leading to her world. 
"other me..." you felt tears gather and fill the brim of your eyes as you two locked eyes.
"the old lady told me that when i open that book, i have to close it. i'm gonna close mine for good." she explained to you, lips quivering as tears rolled down her cheek. "and then, i'm gonna see my daddy and gumi-nii after, and everyone.. i just hope they'll recognize me and maybe forgive me.."
"w-what? what are you saying?" you felt a horrible shiver run down your spine.
as the portal began to close, she lifted a hand at you and waved goodbye, but before it had completely closed. a scream escaped your breath as your eyes shrunk. your other self had just used her own magic to help herself. you extended a hand to reach out for her, but gojo held you in his embrace before the portal closed. you felt as if a part of you had been taken away as you let out a sharp gasp, clutching your chest.
through your connection with your variant, you felt her take her own breath away, but not before disintegrating the darkhold together with her.
"she's gone..." you muttered, feeling the air in your lungs become thin. "s-she just.."
you broke down into a sob at that instant. You did it. you got your body and life back. the 'villain' that's been haunting and possessing you was no more, but why were you feeling this way? your lips quivered. this isn't what you wanted to happen. you just wanted her to realize that you didn't want her to die just like her gojo.
was that how painful it was? was it really too late? had her grief poisoned her to the bone to the point it broke her and she was no longer capable of repair to resort to such decisions? 
"kikufuku, it's okay. you're okay, you're safe now. it's over. i'm so sorry, i didn't recognize it right away." gojo coddled you in his embrace, peppering your face with kisses as he rubbed your back to comfort you, but you kept on crying. "i'm so sorry you had to see that. it's going to be okay. it was for the best."
"how? how was that for the best? didn't she die because of me?" you hiccuped, sniffling. you felt incredibly remorseful.
"no, kikufuku. listen to me. you did the right thing. you made her realize what she had done wrong. it's not your fault that she chose to do that." gojo cupped your face in his hand, brushing loose strands of your hair away from your face. "it's for the best because she'll be with her daddy and everyone again."
you buried your face into the crook of gojo's neck, sniffling.
"in heaven? with everyone? all forgiven?"
"i'm sure, kikufuku."
gojo pressed a kiss on the top of your head before running his fingers through your hair, but a sad smile graced his lips.
he could only hope, and so did you.
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undertalethingems · 3 years ago
To be fair, all Undertale fanstories are AUs, since those were creative (and non canonical) take on the game's stories. I think the biggest issue is with the multiverse itself, namely how many use Sans as a base for RP muses. This also goes into Out!codes: characters capable of transversing the Multiverse as a whole.
... er, no, any fanwork is not automatically an AU. That's kinda silly--it overextends what an AU actually is. But you're not the first person to make this claim, so...
The way i understand it--and indeed, i think most peope do--is that an Alternate Universe is a specific type of fanwork, where key elements of the canon's plot, established rules, or setting are changed, and the goal of the work is to explore the consequences of these changes; works based on canon stay within the general bounds of the world as it was presented. This is an important distinction--while sure, people are going to have different headcanons and ways of writing the characters, and ultimately no one should claim that their works actually are canon or should be. But an AU can be wildly different from canon, for better or worse--because that's the whole point of it. Using some of my works as examples:
Unexpected Guests is an AU because it changes what sans and papyrus can do with their Gaster blasters. it's not a very extreme AU, and the altered elements have their basis in canon--but it is.
My fusion AU is definitely an AU, because it drastically changes how monsters work as beings. This change has consequences for how monsters view themselves, their abilities, and how events might unfold.
"Sans and the no good, very bad, horrible day" is not an AU, because it changes nothing about the canon characters, events, or setting; it explores something outside of canon's scope, but it could still plausibly happen because it doesn't contradict anything previously established by the original game.
So. That's the first part of your ask XD
As for the rest, I am honestly baffled how, where so many artists are concerned about originality and "original character do not steal!!!!", the extended undertale fandom took sans and just made endless versions of him. Most other fandoms have self-inserts like troll- or gemsonas, but somehow skelesonas/fontsonas just... never caught on??? Folks just make a new sans. It's weird compared to all the other fandoms I've been in over the years. The sheer amount of fanworks based on concepts that aren't in the original at all, yet are still considered part of the fandom, is weird. I try to think of all the other big fandoms I know of, and they're not like this??? Not to this extent... Ok maybe comic books. They get into excessive reboots and crossovers and stuff too. XD (I can't get into those either >> )
If people were better about tagging things, and other sites had better filtering, I might not be as frustrated about the amount of canon-focused works vs. AU-focused ones. But, as it is, I just stick to my little bubble and write what makes me happy, because that's easier than wading through the ocean of content outside of it :'D
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kingtrash-fox · 2 years ago
regarding the recent events with sonics co creator being arrested I feel like sonic is just Cursed. Not like I’m the “ew that is o cursed who would make that” more in the “some hod decided that if that Blue Hedgehog does ANY GOOD I will rain pain upon him and anything so much as related to him even in the slightest”
yknow what time for a little bit of rambling rants my mutuals:
anything that even slightly is connected or embodies sonic is just as cursed as him
Some Examples include:
Hatsune Miku: a canonically 19year old Vocaloid that after 2 months of popularity was basically erased from the web cause people searched her up so much. And obviously the uncles went apeshit as well
Balan Wonderworld: Made by the Co creator of sonic that got arrested is a really nice looking game and apparently a good book as well and is in the middle of a redemption arc. However after its demo got released people belittled it over its glitchy gameplay and never gave it the chance it deserved
Friday Night Funkin: it’s an odd one to be listed since FNF isn’t a Sega Game but Canonically Boyfriends older sister is Hatsune Miku (now age 20 for lore reasons ) and you can see where this is going. For a while the community was fairly stable via Mods since the official game. Then Sonic.Exe’s mod came around-
Real Quick: Sonic.EXE his Creepypasta was so bad originally that people decided to make better versions and he has officially be acknowledged by Sega a few times now. His community is terrible which provides context to what’s to come for FNF. It’s most iconic Comtroversy is the Revie Controversy (Go look it up for extended context but to sum it up Revie was accused of ERP with a minor when it was really a 2 year difference when Revie was 16 and the one that pushed her into it was 14 and A man by Rightburst Ultra who is an ass framed her for even worse things got her kicked and basically filled the Mod with so many OC’s it killed it)
back to FNF thanks to that one mod it helped kickstart so much controversy it might have killed the main game. But since the main game isn’t A. Finished or B. Have anyone on Kawaiisprites team that done something it’s still living being updated slowly but because of that it continues to have bad things going down in the Mod community.
This Next one is a stretch but I has explanation for it:
Steven Universe: Now you might be asking yourself “My fellow Mutual why the Fuck is this show on here? It isn’t even connected to Sonic!”
and you would be right EXCEPT Sonic Booms tv show was On CN as was Steven Universe and Stevens whole nature of wanting to save the Earth and trusting nature kinda reminds me of sonic. Plus He can Go his own equivalent of SSJRosé and sonic has his super form which looks like Super Saiyan and they both can Achieve these forms via Magic Rocks ( Stevens Gem and the Chaos Emeralds)
okay time for the Cursed Reasoning:
Steven Universe has a pretty bad fanbase (Tumblr seems Chill about it so I think it was a Twitter thing but I don’t know about the past tho) and it was so bad it nearly killed a girl cause they didn’t draw Rose Quartz right. For more context that girl was already going through something and the fanbase wasn’t helping matters. They weren’t the cause but they weren’t a solution.
The show was always belittled as people weren’t happy with Steven being a pacifist and the shows inconsistent art style ( I’m a fan of the show and I never really saw a problem with either I’m just saying the the General hate for it is) to the point where people make art and jokes saying that other show characters would go out of their way to insult him (See the Fnf Mod Roasting on a Friday night for a recent ish example) and that these other characters are better at solving problems than him (even tho most characters of their own shows Like Mordecai and Rigby cause their own problems 90% of the time and they are usually solved after a bunch of people die. Adventure time gets a pass as most of the civilization and deity’s cause each other problems and it isn’t always Finns Duty to solve those ones. Most of Stevens problems were because of his mothers and they became his problems cause she died) and that CN itself hated the fact that there was so much LGBTQ energy at the time they tried to get it cancelled multiple times (Garnets Wedding being the final straw) and that people thought it was Rebecca Sugars way of showing propaganda. Etc you get the gist it’s like the Animation Sonic the hedgehog. Anytime something goes good for it a bitch slap follows
(Sorry for the especially long rant about Steven Universe it just felt like the Most attacked without it being connected to Sega Directly)
even Sega itself gets no respect as everyone assumes that Sega is lazy meanwhile the workers run themselves ragged meanwhile Game freak is getting a nicer treatment even though it has like Triple the workers than Sega
The point is I feel like some fan of Mario or just someone that hated Hedgehogs made a deal with the devil to make Sonic and anything that even shared his energy have major problems and hopefully this year might start to break A Sonics Cycle and B. Whatever curse it has
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alsoaless · 2 years ago
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the  last  thing  alessandro  wanted  to  do  was  spend  time  with  tristan  on  most  regular  days  ,  the  crossfaded  ,  doubled  over  pathetic  version  of  his  cousin  was  even  worse  .  when  his  hand  is  batted  off  or  brushed  off  more  like  ,  the  attempt  to  break  away  from  him  hardly  seeming  to  make  a  difference  but  causing  him  to  move  backwards  .  he  watches  with  disdain  ,  a  tint  of  disgust  as  he  attempts  to  argue  with  him  ,  the  words  spilling  from  his  lips  filled  with  self  piteous  remarks  ,  things  that  people  say  when  they're  swallowing  darkness  .  aless  had  always  known  that  his  cousin  was  the  type  of  coward  that  would  choke  on  the  darkness  and  pretend  he  thought  it  was  oxygen  ,  filling  his  lungs  with  the  tars  and  scourges  of  life  .  "  is  this  your  idea  of  a  good  time  ?  "  asked  flatly  ,  no  saintly  retribution  that  might  have  been  expected  …  an  attempt  to  regulate  some  empathy  or  even  sympathy  into  his  response  ,  to  be  pleasant  or  gentle  about  things  .  it  wasn't  his  character  and  maybe  even  in  all  of  his  hidden  trembling  sensitivities  ,  he  drew  the  line  at  extending  sorrow  to  a  situation  that  the  other  had  brought  on  himself  .  he  might  have  been  a  showboater  ,  a  gloater  but  tristan  was  worse  …  tristan  was  pathetic  in  a  million  and  one  ways  that  he  didn't  recognise  .  he  didn't  understand  how  someone  could  have  the  whole  world  at  their  feet  and  be  so  blind  ,  waste  it  all  .
he  almost  decided  to  ditch  ,  walk  away  and  send  a  late  night  text  to  someone  on  his  rotation  …  chase  some  tail  or  another  for  fun  and  hope  that  when  he  was  found  out  that  it  would  bring  a  war  raging  on  around  him  .  his  gaze  flickering  away  from  his  cousin  who  was  grumbling  about  something  to  do  with  his  flash  mob  that  would  no  doubt  be  ignored  .  as  he  doubles  over  ,  somehow  kneeling  again  after  his  proclamations  of  being  fine  ,  aless  just  crosses  his  arms  five  steps  behind  (  where  they  had  originally  met  )  .  "  i'm  not  surprised  ,  your  body  probably  thinks  you  are  dying  and  is  trying  to  get  all  that  toxic  shit  out  ,  "  he  tells  him  making  no  real  attempts  to  help  him  or  even  move  closer  ,  the  italian  lilt  of  his  accent  growing  stronger  with  the  flatness  of  his  voice  ,  disembodiment  of  normal  passion  and  dramatics  .  it  was  a  strange  situation  to  care  but  not  want  to  and  to  not  care  enough  to  actually  run  to  the  aide  of  another  ,  knowing  already  that  it  would  be  a  waste  of  time  to  spare  too  much  energy  .  he's  rifling  in  his  pocket  as  he  watches  tristan  in  the  spot  ,  pulling  out  a  cigarette  box  and  placing  one  in  his  mouth  then  flicking  the  zippo  lighter  open  ,  inhaling  smoke  before  tucking  it  into  his  pocket  .  the  whole  time  he  hasn't  moved  to  step  closer  ,  exhaling  ,  "  as  the  americans  say  ,  better  out  than  in  ,  throw  up  to  your  hearts  content  ,  "  he  insists  without  a  care  in  the  world  .  there  was  no  way  he  was  going  to  get  closer  and  start  helping  tristan  at  risk  at  being  thrown  up  on  ,  maybe  he  would  do  something  when  the  moment  passed  .  "  i  can't  believe  you  could  have  chosen  to  do  anything  tonight  and  this  is  it  …  what  a  waste  …  even  liam  payne  wouldn't  have  done  this  ,  "  he  narrates  while  smoking  ,  everything  about  it  simply  a  conversation  mainly  with  himself  ,  an  air  of  disappointment  that  he  didn't  think  was  possible  easy  to  feel  in  the  air  as  he  breathes  out  more  smoke  ,  "  shall  i  help  you  when  you're  done  or  do  you  want  me  to  leave  you  to  die  like  a  shakespearian  drama  ?  "
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                      although  ,  alessandro  probably  already  had  a  pretty  good  idea  when  it  came  to  the  matter  but  a  hero  was  something  that  tristan  honestly  . . .  W A S N ' T  able  to  fully  grasp  as  a  concept  .  he  didn't  want  to  be  saved  . . .  he  didn't  want  to  be  fixed  . . .  he  didn't  want  to  be  H E L P E D  .  no  matter  if  that  hero  was  some  person  or  if  that  hero  just  so  happened  to  be  himself  .  he  didn't  want  it  .  more  than  likely  ,  purposely  throwing  himself  into  every  situation  and  hardship  he  managed  to  throw  himself  into  because  doing  anything  other  than  that  just  felt  W R O N G  . . .  he'd  grown  used  to  the  kind  of  treatment  he  put  himself  ,  he  didn't  really  know  how  to  be  anything  other  than  what  he  was  .  purposely  putting  himself  through  the  H E L L  he  put  himself  through  because  he  couldn't  see  anything  other  than  the  life  he  was  living  for  himself  .  because  he  didn't  actually  care  enough  for  anything  to  change  .  honestly  ,  tristan  didn't  have  much  self  care  or  self  worth  when  it  came  to  himself  .  the  way  he  viewed  himself  was  far  below  the  standard  .  making  everything  he  did  almost  feel  as  though  it  was  all  pointless  anyways  .          (     what  did  it  matter  ?     )            in  a  lot  of  ways  ,  tristan  and  alessandro  were  a  lot  A L I K E  in  the  way  they  both  had  demons  and  both  fought  with  a  lot  in  their  own  heads  .  the  difference  . . .  they  went  about  things  in  very  different  ways  .  although  ,  it  was  clear  that  neither  of  them  really  had  a  better  or  healthier  way  of  dealing  with  or  avoiding  what  was  going  on  inside  of  themselves  .  possibly  ,  even  not  understanding  the  other  and  how  they  handled  themselves  at  times  .
           ⏤          ❛     i'm  fine  ,     ❜          reaching  a  hand  up  ,  tristan  brushed  alessandro's  hand  off  his  shoulders  before  attempting  to  stand  straight  .  although  ,  it  felt  like  his  head  was  splitting  in  half  the  moment  he  stood  up  straight  and  looked  at  alessandro  .  trying  his  hardest  to  ignore  it  ,  he  outstretched  his  arms  .          ❛     see  ,  perfectly  fine  !  i'm  fucking  alive  man  ,  having  the  time  of  my  life  !     ❜          a  lie  ,  he  actually  felt  like  he  was  going  to  keel  over  and  die  .  shaking  his  head  at  the  whole  embarrassment  comment  .  tristan  ,  shrugged  his  shoulders  .           ❛     who  cares  ,  aless  ?  who  the  fuck  cares  ?  i'm  just  trying  to  have  a  good  time  .     ❜          at  least  ,  tristan  didn't  much  care  and  if  a  good  time  meant  ,  he  was  doing  anything  and  everything  under  the  sun  to  throw  himself  into  the  gutter  than  . . .  yes  ,           (     he  was  having  a  blast  .      )           ❛      you're  free  to  go  ,  go  enjoy  yourself  .  have  fun  !  just  no  more  flashmobs  .     ❜          there  was  a  tinge  of  passive  aggressiveness  to  his  voice  .  for  no  other  reason  than  tristan  didn't  like  to  be  called  out  for  the  obvious  .  he  D I D N ' T  like  focusing  in  on  himself  ,  feeling  it  was  pointless  .  taking  a  step  ,  taking  that  as  his  queue  to  leave  .  he  stopped  just  a  couple  steps  away  before  kneeling  over  again  .           ❛     fuck  ,  i  feel  like  i'm  gonna  be  sick  .     ❜          he  spoke  under  his  breath  .
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firebirdtransam68 · 5 years ago
Some Extended Versions Of Some 1980′s Songs Are Really Good
When most people listen to music (this includes 1980′s music), each song has a duration of around two to four minutes, and many of us are familiar with these songs.  However, most music listeners are not too familiar with the extended versions of the songs (that is, songs that have a longer duration than their original duration/s).
In my personal opinion, most extended versions of some 1980′s songs are very good; perhaps even better than their shorter versions (by beat, instrumentation, additional lyrics, or basically the length).  Of course, there are exceptions, and that the extended versions are not as good as the original versions (sometimes even worse); however, the songs I remember listening to are just fantastic.  Despite that, almost all songs have a few flaws, and that there are some extended versions that I wish have the original instrumentation; then again, no song or version of song is perfect.
Here are some of the extended versions of the 1980′s songs that I like that I like even more (with or without flaws):
- “Thriller” by Michael Jackson: While most radio shows go straight to the synthesizer introduction that we all know before the groove starts, the extended version starts with a creaking door, the wind, the footsteps, a howling (were?)wolf, and some of the musical instruments build up before the iconic beginning starts; even the introduction is a little longer featuring the chorus (sometimes it does not, like this version); all of these parts are what makes this song one of the best extended versions of the most iconic 1980′s song to play in the night (also, it is one of the extended versions most of us 1980′s music fans know about); a song even more extended features an organ playing first before the song begins
- “Take On Me” by A-Ha: The original duration was just as good, but the extended version already attracted me to the song even more; the beginning part after the vocal startup even played after the second chorus and before the third verse; what is not to like about this song?
- “Gloria” by Laura Branigan: While the original version has a building up part before the introduction kicks in, the extended version just goes straight to the introduction, along with extra instrumentations in certain areas; someone said that the extended version’s introduction was much better than the original version’s, and, I must admit, they may actually be right...
- “Playing With The Boys” by Kenny Loggins: The beginning of the original version featured the flute (or some other woodwind sounding instrument), which I have no problem with; the extended version has a much better pace that makes me wait, then slowly get to the “groove,” and then the introduction kicks in; I played this song even more times than I did the original version; if there was an extended version of “Danger Zone” and/or “I’m Free (Heaven Helps The Man),” not only will I extended my playlist more, but I will very much like Kenny Loggins' music even more
- “Missing You” by John Waite: What can I say, besides the fact that I like the extra instrumentation and longer duration of the extended version of John Waite’s song; oh, and it is much more moving, in my opinion...
- “Everybody Wants To Rule The World” by Tears For Fears: Many of us know this song (it featured in movies like Bumblebee (2018), which made me like the song even more), but did you know there is an extended version of this song?  Like most extended versions of other songs, this song builds up more before we hear the introduction; mix this extended format with the original instrumentations (including the instrumental break between the third chorus and the fourth chorus), and you get an even more fantastic extended version
- “Goodbye Seventies” by Yazoo: The original version is much shorter, and there is a fading end; the extended version, on the other hand, has a much longer introduction, a third verse (which is the same as the first verse), and a finishing end; the end is quite dark, in my opinion...
- “You’re My Heart, You’re My Soul” by Modern Talking: I recently discovered Modern Talking by their hit song, and it was really good (so good to the point where I am interested in other songs by Modern Talking); the extended version is even better, because the instruments build up and, depending on the listener, has much better quality; both the original and the extended versions have two verses and two choruses, but that does not change the fact how good this underrated song is
- “(She’s A) Maniac” by Michael Sembello: This song featured in Flashdance (1983), and is considered one of the most iconic dance songs of the 1980′s; as much as I like the original version, I like the extended version even more; not only is it much more impacting in instrumentation and volume, but the chorus featured a synth drumbeat between lines, which I do not hear in the original version (unless it did appear, but it was very faint...); a much extended version features the cowbell sound and then it builds up before the introduction, has an instrumental version of the song play before the lyrical part begins, and, depending on the listener, is much more powerful
- “What A Feeling” by Irene Cara: Like “(She’s A) Maniac” above, this song featured in Flashdance (1983), which made it a very iconic dance song of the 1980′s; the extended version is better, because it lifts us listeners more and is much more powerful in beat and sometimes volume; the introduction of the extended version is a little longer, as well (depending on which type of recording you have for the original version)
- “Bette Davis Eyes” by Kim Carnes: Basically, the extended version has more instrumentation and extra lyrics (usually the same, but can be mixed with one another); mix this format and musical patterns with the original instrumentation, and you would get a much better extended version of one of Kim Carnes’ iconic songs
- “Never Gonna Give You Up” by Rick Astley: Say what you will about Rick Astley and this song, but this is one of the most fantastic songs of the late 1980′s (not to mention it featured in Bumblebee (2018) and a few other movies); the extended version is just as good as the original, with build-up for the introduction and a much more “groovy” tune; mix that format with the original instrumentation, and the extended version will be much better than the original
- “What’s Love Got To Do With It” by Tina Turner: The beginning builds up more before the introduction kicks in, and the last verse and chorus was repeated after an extended instrumental break; the original version is good, too, but I listened to the extended version the most because of its length, extra instrumentation, and is the most stuck in my head after I listen to it
- “We Don’t Need Another Hero” by Tina Turner: Speaking of Tina Turner, there is another song by her that is extended; what makes the extended version of the Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome (1985) original soundtrack song better is not just the length, but the beginning that starts with the wind and some of the other instruments that remind us of a barren land (or the very end of the movie where Max walks away from the camera with a weapon in hand), as well as extra instrumental breaks between choruses; the only disadvantage that I can think of is depending on which recording we have, the song may sound a little soft
Honorable Mention:
- “Little Red Corvette” by Prince: I designated this song as an honorable mention, because while I really like the format and some extra instrumental breaks in certain areas, the extended version does not have the impact the original version does to me; perhaps if the instrumentation from the original version was blended in with the extended format, I would like the extended version a whole lot more and NOT designate it as an honorable mention
Of course, any song from any decade can have extended versions that are better, just as good, or worse than the original versions; the 1980′s (considered the best decade for music) is no exception.
Feel free to reblog if you have other songs with extended versions that you like or that I may have missed.  Otherwise, you may reblog without commenting, just like the post, or just comment if you want to add something else; I do not mind any other way.
This is FirebirdTransAm68 signing out.
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bigshotspambot · 3 years ago
Ok I’m finally making proper tags + some rules
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This is kinda my first blog so it’s a WIP (we learning things every day)
WELCOME!! This is where I post a lot of Spamton NEO stuff :) Primarily drawings, but sometimes animated content, writing, and audio. It’s also usually x reader content. (I Just think he’s Neat .)
I’m slow at asks and might not answer all of them but I do still read and appreciate them!
Also, please keep any asks/interactions with this blog SFW-ish (nothing explicit) and respectful please👍 swearing is ok
Please don’t tag my stuff from here as nsfw! Some posts (tagged with the 🔥 emoji) may be mildly suggestive/romantic, but nothing is implying sexual content. Still, I would be most comfortable if this was at least a 15+ space
I try my best to sort things content-wise, so tags can be found below! (Heads up here are a lot)
SNEO’s design reference sheet here!
Another (Slightly outdated) sneo ref post
ALL ART. Idk why I didn’t make this sooner lol
#💛I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY [HeartShapedObject]
Comfort and fluff :) can be platonic or romantic. (But I might be a bit biased towards romantic) it’s also a pretty sfw tag just full of wholesome stuff
#👤UP CLoSe AND [Personnel]
Self inserts! Yes.
The self insert character is intended to represent everyone (as well as the original requester if there was one.) but yea it’s just a place to imagine yourself in. Open ended
This goes for all art/content like POVs too, just imagine whatever you want
#🔥 WOAH!?!!!? [HotSingle] IN YOUR AREA ?!?!!????!
Slightly suggestive/flirty content, but usually pretty tame. There will be no NSFW or any implied NSFW on this blog
Feel absolutely free to mute this tag if you aren’t comfortable with it. WORDS LIKE HOT/SEXY WILL SOMETIMES BE USED BUT PROBABLY NOTHING WORSE THAN THAT
#[BIGGer and BETTeR] THaN EV3R!!
Content where Sneo is LARGE . Larger Than Usual. Fanon height where he's like 50-100 feet tall. It’s normal. Don’t worry about it
Content that might be anxiety provoking and SCARY... so mute it if u don’t like that!
Self insert POV (usually with perspective) 😀idk why I made a tag for this I am messed up.
ASMR-ish audios of sneo :) includes short and extended versions
#❓ASK TO YOUR [Beating Heart’s] CONTENT
Responding to asks! Feel free to share ideas for requests, but I may or may not do them. It’s a very on and off thing. Thanks for understanding ❤️
Also I’m sorta shy sometimes and I’m bad at answering them in a timely fashion but I DO READ THEM . So thank you
#☎️ …IT’S FOR YOU!
Basically asks but with a drawing attached
Cool drawings from nice people :)
Some semi detailed? Text posts of scenarios involving NEO. Not primarily a writer tho
#I’M [$#&%!] MYSELF
Shitposting lol
#All Alone On A ?
Art without a self insert character, usually just Spamton NEO on his own.
My own thoughts, rambling, text posts and stuff.
#WOW THAT’’s SOme [Good $#&%!]
Reblogs. I will probably reblog cool art of sneo or stuff that fits the blog from time to time :)
#QUEUE (this tag is dead lol)
Stuff from asks I want to draw but haven’t gotten around to yet. Will (hopefully) edit the post once I have a drawing ready and reblog it
(I tried💔)
#🎶music attached
Posts with music linked because I usually draw to music. Also some music just really fits him/certain drawings and it’s so mmmm
WIPs (woah….no way)
Thank you for reading and I hope you Enjoy WHATEVER THIS IS :)💛
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subpar-ghoulfriend · 4 years ago
Teacher's Pet
Aizawa's got eyes for his new teacher's assistant. Reader was is a former student of his.
tw: smut, noncon, drugging, yandere-ish, penetration
AN: My computer deleted the original version of this fic so I anger-rewrote it. Not edited.
You were always Aizawa's favorite. Never rude or lazy. And you always trusted his decisions. That's why - after a few years - when you decided to try your hand at teaching he volunteered to train you has his Teacher's Assistant. You looked the same, just a little more mature. You still looked at the man with the same doe eyed expression, waiting for his next direction. You were no longer his student and he didn't need to keep his mind from wandering.
Aizawa invited you over under the guise of grading papers. In attempt to make the task less boring, he poured two glasses of wine.
"Aizawa-sensei, how late is it?" You yawned.
Your mentor glanced at his phone, "You know you can call me Shota. It's only going to be 9, if you're tired we can finish this another day."
Nodding you attempted to stand, but plopped back down because the room began to spin. Maybe it was the alcohol mixing with your exhaustion but your body felt heavy and sluggish.
"I didn't realize you weren't much of a drinker," Aizawa laughed, extending his arm toward you. "Here, let me help you up."
You managed a few steps before taking a break to collect your bearings. On second thought, it couldn't be the wine, you only had a single glass. Then the room began to shift. Aizawa had picked you up. He was talking to you, something about being worried for your safety. You weren't fully listening, it was a pain just trying to concentrate.
When did you get on a bed?
You felt the mattress shift as Aizawa sat beside you. "I think you should just sleep it off here, I know you're pretty tough but right now you look like a confused little kitten."
Taking a deep breath you tried sitting up, "No, I shouldn't-"
The older man was on top of you. Tendrils of his hair reached down to graze your face. He smells so good, you couldn't put your finger on it but he smelled like comfort.
You snapped out of your trance when you felt a tug at your waist. Aizawa, your mentor, was pulled off your pants. When had he removed your shirt?
"Sensei, stop-"
Aizawa smashed his lips against yours. He had one had tangled in your hair to keep you from squirming away from his attack. "Are you gonna be a good girl and open your mouth for me?"
Heat was coursing throughout your body. You were embarrassed, upset, scared, but also curious. Of course your body was feeling good, but this wasn't what you wanted. You shook your head before he caught your lips again. You kept them firmly pressed together, denying his tongue entrance. But then dug his nails into your soft hips so hard that you had to cry out in pain. After exploring with his tongue he pulled away from you.
"See, that's not so hard."
To make everything worse, he had skillfully removed your bra while you were distracted.
He licked his lip as you took in your body, the only thing left was your underwear. Kneeling on the bed, between your spread legs, he place a hand under either knee. With a quick pull he dragged you toward him. Your ass was elevated, resting on the top of his thighs; gravity making your breasts perkier than they already were. If he had drugged you it must've fully kicked in because no matter how hard you will your arms, they wouldn't move.
His knuckles grazed between your thighs making tears escape your eyes.
"Oh kitty, you've soaked through your panties," he pressed a little harder against the material. "You always caught the eyes of so many of the boys. I wondered if you knew. If you acted naive around them as a way to tease. How many of them succeeded?"
You didn't respond.
Hooking a finger under you panties he moved them to the side, exposing your glistening pussy. Whimpering you begged him once more to stop. Maybe if you told him you were too tired he'd leave you alone.
"I know honey, once we're done it'll be bedtime. If you avoid my questions we're gonna have to stay up later. Tell me how many boys you let crawl between your legs. What'd they do that made you feel good?"
All the while his hand never stopped rubbing against you.
Your words came out choppy, between tearful gasps, "Please, Aizawa sensei, I don't want to. I promise, I never-"
A shiver racked your body when he began rubbing circles around your clit. You jerked away from him. You think you were strong enough to pull away but maybe he just wanted an excuse to reposition you. He leaned forward, giving your body a break and smiled against your neck, "Is my kitty a virgin?"
Humiliated you nodded your head. You never really stopped to think about your lack of a sex life, none of your peers ever caught you attention in that way. You just wanted to become a pro and prove yourself to your role model, the man on top of you.
"How perfect are you," he cooed. He moved to sucking an nipping at your breasts, leaving a trail of marks from your neck like a map. "How about we go slowly. I know they taught sex ed but real life is always different from a text book. Let me know if you have any questions, you know I'm a good teacher."
A calloused finger slid inside you. You focused on your breathing, everything was okay. It was uncomfortable but not unbearable. He moved his finger slowly, taking in how tight your felt. He didn't want your first time to be unnecessarily painful. You were mortified when he removed his finger from you and brought it to his lips. He groaned as his licked two fingers.
"You're doing so good, baby. Can you take a big breath for me?" Two fingers slid inside you, there wasn't much resistance but you felt the pressure change. You couldn't help with whine. "That's my good girl. We're gonna do three now, okay?"
Fuck. Three was too much. You felt like you couldn't take any more. Then, with his fingers still inside of you be began playing with your clit again. Your body tensed as electricity coursed from your core. The moan that poured from your lips was involuntary. More juices pooled beneath you. You kept shaking while Aizawa withdrew from you.
"Such a messy girl," he kissed you. "That's exactly what we want."
Becoming acutely aware that his erect cock was resting below your belly you looked for the first time. You weren't sure what to expect when it came to the size of any dick but certainly not what was before you.
"Wait, can we stop," you found your voice. "It's too big, I don't think I can do it."
"Trust me, it'll fit. It may be a little painful at the beginning because it's your first time but then it'll feel good. Just like how I made you feel good with my hands."
The anticipation was killing him. Aizawa was trying to keep your attention by praising you while he teased around your soaking entrance with the head of his cock.
You hissed, pushing weakly against Aizawa's chest, as he entered you. He moved slowly, frustratingly slow. He wanted nothing more that to push in to you, to make you hurt in the best way. Your walls felt so tight and warm against him that if he was a less experienced man would've already finished him.
Finally at his base you earned more praise, "Fuck, kitten, you're taking me so well. Already making me feel so good and it's only your first time. I'm gonna try to go slow but - fuck - tell me if it starts getting to rough."
After a few moments you began to acclimate and the pain eased up. But every time his hips fully met against you you were reminded his girth. You involuntarily jerked against him as that feeling of electricity began to manifest in your core. He was beginning to pick up the pace and couldn't keep from arching against him. Sparks shot through your body as he bit into your shoulder. Your walls spasmed around him. You could hear him praising you as almost completely pulled out just to thrust back into you. Repeating the motion and filling the near silence with the sound of your wetness.
Maybe something in your broke or maybe it was a defense mechanism but your started to rationalize the situation. You body did feel physically good. And lord know's you always had a thing for the hero. This would be perfect if he had gone about things the right way. You wanted some sense of control so you did the only thing you could think of.
"Sh-Shota," You moaned into his ear. Your nails digging in to his back.
"Fuck, say it again," he growled. No longer able to control his pace he moved harder and faster. Tomorrow there would be plenty of proof on your body that Aizawa had been there. "Be my good girl and say it again."
You weren't going to, but you were speaking before you realized, "Shota, I can't-"
If he kept going like this you knew hit your third orgasm of the night. You didn't know if that was a good thing or not.
"You're going to. Show me that you can be a good little whore and listen to teacher."
As if on cue you were seeing stars. Aizawa moaned into you neck and buried his cock deep inside of you. There was a new sensation and your realized that he wasn't wearing protection. His hot cum was filling you to the brim. "Wait, I'm not on the pill"
After a few more pumps he froze inside of you, "That's so fucking hot."
He pulled out and a mixture of both your fluids followed. He rolled to the side of you and brought you close to his chest.
"I'm so proud of you, you were such a good girl."
You interrupted, maybe he hadn't heard you, "I'm, I'm not on the pill."
"That's okay, I wouldn't want you to be, you're all mine. You need to sleep, we can take a bath in the morning."
You were tired, even though it felt like your mind was beginning to clear. Like a cornered animal you felt trapped. Aizawa kept whispering as you closed your eyes. He mentioned something about next time feeling better for you. That he was going to take such good care of you. How he didn't share.
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appears · 2 years ago
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It's Ayumi Hamasaki's birthday on October 2 and we're extending the celebration in true ego-maniacal, splashy celebrity fashion, by drawing out the festivities for an entire week! Each day I will briefly discuss a totally random item chosen (not by me) from my Ayu collection. Prepare for praise, disappointment, and controversial opinions backed by love and respect as we take a casual look back in this blurry snapshot of her career in music. Happy Birthday to our Party Queen, Ayumi Hamasaki!
Here's an interesting question when it comes to Ayumi Hamasaki's "GREEN": what came first, the song or the concept? GREEN/Days (or Days/GREEN, depending on which version you bought) is Ayu's 44th single, released at the end of 2008 during her downfall in popularity. I think it was around this time that Ayu truly stopped taking into account what was expected of her and really just did what she wanted, for better and worse.
This single featured two new songs, "GREEN" and "Days," and re-recorded, 10th-anniversary versions of two singles, "TO BE" and "LOVE ~Destiny~." Which version you got, and in what order, depended on which of four different versions you bought. "GREEN" is an interesting song: it draws heavily upon classic Chinese instrumentation that weaves within it a very modern Ayumi Hamasaki rock song. It is propulsive and epic and has all the drama and intensity of Ayumi at this period in her music career. The music video reflects this heavily, with Ayumi playing a cabaret singer in 1930s-era China. The song and video were very strategic: just one year before, Ayumi started touring outside of Japan for the first time, making notable stops in Taiwain, Hong Kong, and Shanghai. And one month after this single was released, she performed her first featured show in Taipei. All of this accounts for the thematic influences in the music video and song.
The second song, "Days," is a typical winter-Ayu ballad. It reminds me of 2003's "No way to say" or even 2004's "CAROLS," including heavy use of slow-motion and CGI snow in the videos. Like the PV for "GREEN," Ayu's back-up dancer SHU-YA and his hair cut features prominently in the music video, here as an unrequited love interest. It's a solid song, but I wouldn't put it in the same category as some of her other iconic ballads.
Let’s talk about the re-recordings: In my opinion, if new vocals and arrangement don't somehow improve upon, or provide some kind of new insight into, the original, then there is no point in re-making a classic. That would be the case here for these, especially "TO BE," whose production, while busier, seems oddly thin. It is also a universal truth that Ayu's vocals, whether you like them or not, have definitely not improved since the original song was recorded. They might have more personality and emotion, but they don't sound technically better, and in many ways, they sound like somewhat-hurried live recordings. If you really want to hear "TO BE," it's better to hit up the original on LOVEppears. The limited-edition packaging on this is identical to the only other single she released in 2008, Mirrorcle World, where both discs come housed in a long, vertical slip case almost 9 1/2 inches tall. There were three other versions released: a limited-edition and CD-only version entitled "Days/GREEN," which included the 10th Anniversary Version of "LOVE ~Destiny" and included the making-of feature for "Days," rather than "GREEN," on the DVD. There was also a regular CD-only version of "GREEN/Days" released with the same track listing as the limited edition.
This is a solid single release from Ayu, but it's not my favorite. "GREEN" is great, "Days" is good (but generic), and the 10th Anniversary Versions are unnecessary, if not a touch insulting. The limited-edition packaging is fun, but only if you can find a second-hand version for cheap. Ayu looks beautiful on the jacket art, but also somewhat sleepy, and none of it really reflects the tone of the content within. The real kicker is the album that these songs ended up on...
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natromanxoff · 3 years ago
Mercury Roadrunner's Interview about Freddie Mercury with Peter Freestone – Part II
Thanks very much to Mercury Roadrunner (Pavel Strashnyy) for letting me share his amazing interviews! Originally shared here.
Check the tag "MR interview with Phoebe" to see the other parts. Here are the 3 main topics of this interview, beginning of each topic is written in bold:
1. Language skills
2. Music videos, Garden Lodge
3. Celebrity friends, leg damage story, Joe Fanelli, relationship between band members, Freddie's last days
PS: So here is our second part and the first topic is about Freddie’s language skills:
Did he actually know only the English language or did he also know the Gujarati language or any other languages?
PF: When his parents were in Garden Lodge or if he called his mother on the telephone, he only spoke English. I suppose, he must have understood Gujarati, because, okay, in the school he was taught English, but before the school, when he was in Zanzibar and he would have been with is parents, so I would have thought they would have been speaking in Gujarati.
He had about twenty words of German after living in Munich for so many years. He couldn’t speak German, but I think he understood the language, if he was paying attention, because most of the people around him were talking English, so he never really had the need to learn German. Although, saying that, one of his partners, Winnie, was German and did not speak a lot of English, but then he had Barbara to do the translating.
PS: The second topic is about a very special song “Mad The Swine”, which was recorded in 1972, but was released only in 1991 as a B side of “Headlong” single. Why, after so many years, Freddie decided to come back to it and release it?
PF: Freddie knew that “Innuendo” was going to be his last complete album and I think that this song had a special place in his heart, there were something about it, and as far as he was concerned, it never got an airing he felt it deserved and the rest of the band was happy to put it on.
PS: I mentioned the “Headlong” song and you can be seen in some archival footage of making of the “Headlong” video, you help to lay the Queen members on the shelves. What are your memories about that day?
PF: I was just there to help them. When they are making a video, they don’t need someone to take care of costumes, because there is a costume person, there is a makeup person, everybody is there to do something. And so I was there for Freddie, looking after him, and it just seemed natural to help out. And the band would feel more comfortable if that was someone that they know who would help to put them on the shelves rather than some technician turning up and trying to do it. And this moment with selves wasn’t’ planned. That wasn’t in the storyboard, it’s just that they saw it, there were four shelves so they just thought “Well, why not? Let’s do something crazy”. And the idea must have come from the band member, because Rudi would have seen all the possibilities when he was checking out where they were going to be doing the filming, and if he had thought of using the shelves, that would be one of the ideas put in the beginning.
PS: There are also some parts where we can see you in “The Great Pretender Extended Version” video - can you remember anything about it?
PF: It was just a big long laugh. There is not one part of the making of the actual scenes that they are not laughing and smiling. Roger, Peter and Freddie – they just clicked, it all worked. Nobody had to be bigger than the next one, nobody had to take the spotlight, and they just were there, having a good time.
PS: What is your personal favourite memory from that day?
PF: Personally, for me it is watching the recording of the six girls –you know, both of the backing group were girls, they were wearing two different outfits – and watching the recordings, when they were recording the one group of three and then the other group of three, the costumes they got in to and what they did – you couldn’t help but feel really-really happy. They were actually standing on the same platform when they were recorded. And then, of course, they used computer graphics to put two different groups on the screen at the same time. Just watching three of them there on the platform, waving their hands goodbye, it brings back the memories of those groups of backing singers in the sixties.
PS: What are your memories of making of the “Breakthru” video?
PF: I remember that it was probably the hottest night of the year, no sleep, because it was just so hot and humid. They had a huge problem with the opening scene, and they shot that last in fact. But they had a huge problem because when the engine went into the tunnel it caused air pressure so that that polystyrene wall burst out a long time before the engine arrived. So they tried it earlier on and that’s when they found that that’s what happened, and then they had to do playing around with it during the day, there was people doing that while the rest of the filming was going on, and then they had to sort of re-do it and it was the last shot. And the engine was actually already in the tunnel before it started getting up a bit of speed. And it wasn’t going as fast as people think it does, so that it looked right. It was a fun day. Only the band and the actual film crew were allowed on the flatbed, where the band were performing, because of the way it was being filmed, you could easily be in shot, so the less people that were there – the better. John was having a ball, I remember him laughing a lot, he was enjoying himself. And there was a normal carriage, like a dining car, but old, 1930-1940s, and that was where we would have food and drink. And it was wonderful. It’s a working old train line, it’s a tourist thing, but it’s great, it’s really-really nice and it’s not that far away from London. And Freddie was enjoying the shooting. I was surprised when I saw what he was doing on that flatbed, he was leaning over the edge as the train was going along, but again, it looks faster than it was. It really was only going at about 25-30 kilometers an hour. But it’s made to look as though they are speeding along.
PS: And what was the very first Queen video you were presented on?
PF: The very first video that I was involved with was “Save Me”, because it was shot during two shows of the “Crazy Tour”, I think it was at “The Rainbow” and it was shot at “Alexandra Palace”. Because it was the mix of the live action, the cartoon girl, the bird – and that was the hardest thing – to get Freddie to almost catch the bird, the pigeon. They had to re-film it for about 15 times. And it was where David Mallet, the director, fell of the stage into the orchestra pit. Everybody panicked for a few minutes, but then he stuck his head up “Oh, I’m alright”. It was about 2-3 meters he felled. And then followed all the post-production with the girl, with the cartoon, and how they blended the live pigeon to become the cartoon one and all that sort of work – all of it was done afterwards and it was done before Christmas 1979.
PS: And what was the very last Queen video you were presented on?
PF: “I’m Going Slightly Mad” video. I remember the penguin on the couch moment. Actually most of all I remember the way Diana was with Freddie, because she just took such a good care of him, she had special thermal underwear made for Freddie, because right from my meeting with Freddie in 1979 I remember the easiest thing for Freddie was to feel cold. And it only got worse the more sick he got. And she had special thermal underwear made for him that went underneath the shirt and the suit. She just was there for him all the time and it was just wonderful to see.
PS: And did Freddie usually have cold hands or he had normal temperature of hands?
PF: He could have normal warm hands, but often they would be cold. So maybe he could have a blood circulation problem.
PS: Can you remember something about the shooting of “I Want It All” video?
PF: I don’t think I was at that one, because that would have been Joe, Joe Fanelli would have been there, because we sort of took in turns – he would go to one, I would not, I’ll do all the stuff at home, then I would go to one and he would stay at home.
PS: And it was also the same for you take the turns in concerts?
PF: No, I was on tours with Freddie from 1979 till 1985 and then Joe took over from the last part of 1985 and 1986.
PS: And why you stopped going on tours and Joe took that part?
PF: Because Garden Lodge had been completed and to keep the insurance cover someone had to be living there, so I got to live there. I moved in six months before Freddie did. And Freddie moved in in the middle-end 1985. Because what we did was – Freddie was at Mary’s home and Terry and I took Oscar and Tiffany away from Stafford Terrace. Because Freddie was supposed to move in and he kept putting it off again and again, he said “I’ll do it tomorrow”, “I’ll do it at the weekend”, there was always a reason, an excuse, so what Terry and I did – we went and kidnapped Oscar and Tiffany and took them to Garden Lodge. And then, when Freddie went home and he was looking for the cats, Terry said: “No, they are not here, they are at your other home” – and Freddie moved within two days.
PS: And what was it like living with Freddie in Garden Lodge? What are your first memories of start of living there?
PF: At that point I was living above the kitchen. Joe and I had rooms that were above the kitchen, just up those stairs. And it just felt strange just to be living in that house. The thing is, I’ve been living with Freddie for years, because whenever we were in hotels it was always a two bedroom suit, so I knew how he was, what he would do, what he needed in the morning, how the moods could change, that was all standard, that was all normal. The difference was being in the luxury of Garden Lodge, knowing that it was a house, not the hotel, and the fact that he had made us promise, both Joe and myself, that we would treat this place as our home. It wasn’t just work and somewhere to stay because of work – it was our home.
Some houses have energy, they have a feeling, and while Freddie was in Garden Lodge it was a really warm, friendly house.
PS: And the atmosphere in the house changed almost at the moment Freddie passed away, right?
PF: Literally. For me, while he was still alive, even in those last minutes, it was still the same house, but literally within minutes, while we were waiting for the doctor, it just became bricks and mortar, it just became somewhere to sleep, somewhere to live.
PS: You mentioned living together with Freddie in hotels, but do you remember living with Freddie in some flats or houses before Garden Lodge?
PF: We were living in his apartment in New York. The way it was set up there were two bedrooms, sitting room, dining room, kitchen, a maid’s room and a sort of TV room.
And later we lived together for six months in Los Angeles. Recording “The Works”. They rented the big house for Freddie. A nice house, big-big house. It belonged to a doctor, who just constantly rented it out to stars, who needed somewhere to stay while they were filming. Elizabeth Taylor apparently stayed there, George Hamilton was there, lots of different film stars used it. It was a big house in nice big gardens, it had a swimming pool, had a tennis court, you know, it all the things you need.
PS: And it was actually two of you living there together?
PF: Yeah, Freddie and me. And Terry was there too, to drive.
PS: And speaking of Freddie’s New York Times, can you actually remember what was his the most favourite part of the city?
PF: Most evenings he would end up down on Christopher street, which is down near Greenwich Village. Because there were bars around there, clubs around there, restaurants around there, everything was there in that area, in the West Village.
PS: Our next topic is about Freddie Mercury and George Michael; we can see them together at “Barcelona” album launch party and Queen 20th anniversary party – do you remember the interaction between them?
PF: They actually met up at Live Aid, after it finished. We had to stay in the bar, because there were absolutely no way any cars were going to get out of the stadium area, because of the traffic and everything. And that was the very first time that they actually met. Freddie admired him, he thought George had a great talent both in writing and in singing, but there was no special friendship, because Freddie didn’t create big friendships with other musicians. He preferred, so to say, normal people. And also he enjoyed actors and actresses, their company, more than other musicians, because the way he felt, most musicians just wanted to talk about music and he had many more interests. So, yes, if Freddie and George were in the same place, then yes, they would meet up and they would chat about what was going on in their lives, but most of it was always about work. Their conversations would always be like “what was the tour like” and they would laugh, because they would make jokes about what they had been doing. Freddie could make a joke out of any situation. He didn’t tell anecdotes as such, but he could see something and he could make a joke out of it.
PS: As you mentioned Freddie having friends among actors and actresses, could you remember some of them?
PF: Anita Dobson, Debby Bishop, Carol Wood, Pam Ferris, Susannah York. One he would like to have met and she lived literally just across the road, but it never came, was Diana Rigg. And he was incredibly happy when I gave him an autograph from Honor Blackman. I met her and I said “Could I have an autograph, please”, she says “yes, of course, who’s it for?” and I said “it’s just for my friend, Freddie”. And he was overjoyed with it and he kept it in his bedside drawer.
PS: And who was his favourite actors?
PF: Franco Nero, James Mason, Laurence Olivier. And he got to meet him, so that was another of Freddie’s absolute joys. Dave Clark took Freddie to dinner at Laurence Olivier’s house. It was when they were working on “The Time” musical.
PS: And it was actually very last Freddie’s live performance, can you remember something special about it?
PF: Yes, April 1988. I just thought how amazing it sounded. We all heard “In my defence” before, but when he did “it’s in every one of us” as a duet with Cliff that was absolutely amazing. We had goose bumps. And then after the performance we went to Cliff Richard’s dressing room, sitting and talking there.
PS: And you said that Freddie didn’t have many friends amongst musicians, but could you remember something special about Freddie and Elton John’s friendship?
PF: They first met back in 74/75, when Queen were managed by John Reid and in those days both of them were constantly touring so they could rarely meet up. But every now and then Queen would have just done the show and Elton would be performing the next day, so he was already in the hotel and we would meet up and go round, sitting in Elton’s room talking. And then for about a couple of years after Freddie’s diagnosis they didn’t see each other, but then Freddie told Elton about his status and for the last year and a half Elton would regularly come to Garden Lodge. And in Freddie’s last two weeks Elton would ring us, say what time he would arrive, so that he wouldn’t be seen arriving, he wouldn’t come through the front door, and we would let him in through the Mews in his mini, so nobody knew he was there. He had to go to Paris to record, so he gave me all of the numbers: hotel number, the studio number, his mobile number, his assistance’s mobile number, all the numbers, just to let him know when it happen, because he knew it was going to happen. And at the very last time he came to Garden Lodge, he drove in one of his Bentleys and parked it right outside the front door and the press were running over to him asking “why are you here?” and Elton just turned around and said “I’ve come to see my friend”. And that was it, he just came in and they sat and talked. And when Elton came, it was really just Freddie and him in the room, just talking.
PS: And what was the story about Freddie getting his leg damaged in Munich?
PF: Freddie, when he had a few drinks, he would pick people up, just lift them off the floor, to show how strong he was. So Freddie had picked someone up and then someone next to him bumped into his knee and the ligaments tore, because instead of the way it was supposed to bend the knee bend the other way. Freddie then dropped the person he was carrying, he was screaming in pain and we had to go and get it set. When Queen filmed “It’s A Hard Life” in the end of the video, you can see him favouring the leg.
PS: And as you mention “It’s A Hard Life” video, Freddie’s friend Barbara Valentin stars in this video and she was a star in films of Rainer Werner Fassbinder – did Freddie ever discuss his films with her?
PF: Yeah, because she had videos of them. Freddie did meet Fassbinder once. They were in the “Deutsche Eiche”, which was Fassbinder’s favourite restaurant, he was always in it in Munich. And Barbara would take Freddie there every now and then. So Barbara introduced them to each other, they talked a bit, but they were there for lunch, it wasn’t a planned meeting or anything like this.
PS: And what film directors Freddie admired?
PF: Vincente Minnelli, George Cukor, the directors of the 40’s-50’s.
PS: What are your memories of Joe Fanelli?
PF: He was American. The first time I met him his relationship with Freddie was just finishing, this was in 1979. But he stayed in London and worked a lot in London. He was working in different restaurants. He was an amazing chef. And they kept in touch over the years and that’s why when Garden Lodge was finished and someone had to be there, that’s when Freddie thought to bring Joe back. And it worked, because Joe used to go to the gym all the time and he was taking care of himself, which he didn’t do so much when he was with Freddie. He was great. He was amazing on the computer. Computers were just starting, but Joe could write programs and things. Freddie’s favourite programme on television was “Countdown”, which is where they pick out seven letters and you have to make the longest word you possibly can out of those seven letters and then there’s also the numbers thing as well – and Joe created that on the computer for Freddie so that he didn’t wait for it just on the TV. He was fun, and he was good; it was good working with him and most of the time we just got on so well. Garden Lodge would not have been the same without him.
PS: And you mentioned Joe programming “Countdown” for Freddie so Freddie could actually play this game on computer?
PF: Well, no, he couldn’t, but he could sit there and Joe would do the computer. The computer was bought by Freddie for Garden Lodge and it was set upstairs on the musician’s gallery in the big sitting room.
PS: How would you describe the relationship between Freddie and other Queen members?
PF: They were all close to each other, but in a different ways.
Freddie was close with John. John was the new boy, he was the last one to join, he was the youngest, and Freddie just felt protective. He wanted to protect him a little bit for the dangers of rock’n’roll. But then John got married, had Veronica, so he had the security of home, and John was not around Freddie as much, but it didn’t stop the friendship because of what happened at the end. John just decided to finish because Freddie wasn’t there anymore.
With Roger it was a different friendship. And a very good friendship, because both of them had similar personality trait, they both enjoyed a good drink; they both enjoyed a good party.
And with Brian, of course, they were friends, but Brian was much more serious and Freddie was much more of a laughing person than Brian. Brian thought about things so much. But Freddie knew that he would never find anyone better than Brian to help him with the music.
PS: We know that Brian and Roger visited Freddie in his last days, but we never heard of John visiting Freddie.
PF: I don’t think John was prepared to see Freddie looking like he did in the last days, but John came and visited Freddie before those last two weeks. I know that he did come to the house, but I don’t think he could accept seeing Freddie the way he was in those last weeks.
PS: Freddie started to get a lot worse in those last two weeks?
PF: For the last two weeks Freddie hardly ate, he hardly drank. He was taking no drugs that were keeping him alive anymore, he was taking painkillers, and that was it.
PS: What was the reason of Freddie’s last visit to Montreux?
PF: He just wanted to get away from London. He wanted to have a little bit of peace and quiet away from all the press. He had that apartment in Montreux, so he went there.
For the last two-three years of his life he would be there every other month for a couple of weeks. There was no feeling of “this is the last time I’m going to Montreux”, that wasn’t part of his mentality, he only decided that this was the last visit when I called him, because I wasn’t with him, Jim, Joe and Terry were with him at that time, I was in Garden Lodge and I rang him and I said: “Look, just so that you are aware when you come home, that there are press outside the house 24 hours a day. In the nighttime it’s down to about four or five and in the daytime it’s up to about twenty”.
And that’s when he decided that when he went into Garden Lodge, coming back from Switzerland, it would be the last time, because he knew that he would never be able to get out again.
PS: And how long was he there for the last time?
PF: For about two weeks.
PS: And how do you remember him when he came back?
PF: He was sort of happy, but he was a bit withdrawn, because he had made the decision that when he came into Garden Lodge, it would be the last time, that he would never leave it again. He already had decided that, so, of course, he was a little bit more thoughtful, more inward thinking rather than being laughing and all that. But still, even in those two last two weeks there were still times when he would laugh, because he never wanted sad people around him.
PS: What are your last memories of Freddie?
PF: Since he got back from Switzerland on the 10th, he basically stopped eating and drinking. He would have a little bit, but that’s it. So, of course, he was tired, he had no energy. Most of the time he had short sleeps, short sleep –wake up, short sleep – wake up.
In those last two weeks, except for his needs, the only other time Freddie left his room, was when Terry carried him downstairs, on the Wednesday, 20th of November, because he just wanted to look around the main room, he just wanted to have a last look at paintings, at the crystal. He just wanted to spend some more time in that huge room where he felt most comfortable.
The last week of Freddie’s life he was actually never alone, because between Joe, Jim and myself, we would spend twelve hours with him and there was always one of us with him. We did the shifts from eight in the evening till eight in the morning. The last time that I was with him was on the Friday night. And on that Friday night I got there just before eight o’clock. And, you have to remember, that at eight o’clock the statement was released to the world that Freddie had AIDS. The thing is, those hours I was with him, he was the most relaxed I had seen him in years, because there was no secret anymore, the whole world knew. And he would just talk about anything, he would be in bed, I would be sitting on the bed next to him and I would be just holding his hand. The television was on, just for some noise, he would talk and he would go to sleep and talk and go to sleep. And we talked about silly little things, nothing really serious, and nothing like “we knew everything was coming to an end”, there was none of that. He could still talk fine, his mind was together, he just was very-very tired.
But, I think, because the statement had been done, I think Freddie felt that it was time for him to go. Because it was coming up for eight o’clock and I think it was Joe coming in at that point, Joe was coming at eight, and I said to Freddie something like “Look, okay, I’m going now, Joe is going to be here, but, of course, I’ll see you, I’ll see you soon”, he said something like “uhum, yeah, yeah”.
And then he just took my hand, looked me straight in the eye and just said “Thank you”.
And I will never know, whether he already decided that we would never meet again and was thanking me for the last twelve years, or if he was just thanking me for the last twelve hours.
But I have a feeling that he already knew that we would not see each other again.
PS: Do you remember when you for the very first time understood that you are not just working with Freddie, but you are becoming friends?
PF: That really started from the very-very beginning, because we didn’t have to always talk to each other to know what he wanted. I understood him. Because of our similar upbringing in boarding school in India I knew why he reacted in some ways, why he did things, I knew it, it was just instinctive and it made everything very-very easy for him and for me. Maybe it became more intense when Freddie started the time out of Britain, because we were going to be together 24 hours a day, so you have to be friends. And for me, it was the easiest thing on earth to be friends with Freddie. I never thought about Freddie, The Superstar. I was thinking about Freddie, my friend.
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northoftheroad · 4 years ago
Alright better Nightwing origin story between these two and why: Judas Contract or Dixon’s Year One? Which elements of each story work better and what are each stories’ flaws Etc?
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I don't know what is supposed to make me prefer Dixon's Nightwing Year One (which is an expanded version of what he wrote in Nightwing: Secret Files and Origin, 1999)?
In the stories from 1984, we see very little of Dick's thought process on why he chose his new identity. It's that well-known page in Tales of the Teen Titans # 44 when he puts on the suit. After all, the important story is that Deathstroke has captured the other Titans. It introduces Adeline and Joey Wilson. Dick's new name and outfit is merely a detail.
NYO explores Dick's journey to becoming Nightwing in detail. Why the name; why the costume design; why continue to fight crime; why go back to Gotham (originally, he just went there to give Jason Robin; he was committed to the New Teen Titans, not to helping out in Gotham). That's not a bad idea – too bad about the execution.
Pro (an extended) Judas Contract:
It's Dick's choice that he has outgrown Robin. (Tales of the Teen Titans # 39)
Dick chooses his new identity to honour Bruce and Clark - and also his birth parents and Starfire. Nightwing was a Kryptonian bird; Clark decided to use it as a vigilante name in homage to Batman.
Bruce isn't an asshole who fires and/or kicks Dick out.
Dick has a good relationship with Bruce and Jason.
Bruce scolds Jason when he uses a Robin suit (Batman # 366). Dick gives his blessing for Jason to become Robin (Batman # 368). Dick's history as Robin is respected by everyone involved, even though Robin was not, at this time, a family nickname. (It wasn't even clear that Dick had a saying in how the suit looked.)
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Pro Year One.
Uh - I like when Dick goes to Clark for advice and support, which he didn't have to in 1984 because Bruce wasn't an asshole.
We get a reason for the design of Dick's first Nightwing suit - it was inspired by his father's circus outfit. But it's Alfred who finishes the design and adds yellow feathers, mind you.
Points to that Dick goes back to the circus to explore his roots, I guess. But he also did that in the early 1980s, in Robin solo stories, when he had left college. So being kicked out by Bruce isn't necessary for that to happen. (By the way, in 80s, Dick worked with the Hill circus. In NYO, Dixon makes a nod to this because Haly and Hill are in a partnership. Lorna Hill runs the circus in both stories.)
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Dick exploring his circus roots in Batman vol 1 # 339 (1981)
Bruce is an asshole in Nightwing Year One, Jason is a brat, the Titans are hardly there and and it gives Barbara more importance for Dick's younger years than I prefer (but then, this is Chuck "co-writer of Robin Year One and Batgirl Year One" Dixon, so what else to expect?). I'm also not a fan of the art...
I think we're meant to read NYO as that the reason Bruce kicked Dick out was that he felt Dick was growing up. This has pretty much been a common denominator in every version. Jim Starlin wrote it in Batman # 416 (1988). Marv Wolfman in Action Comics Weekly # 613 (1988) and the Robin 80th anniversary. And Chuck Dixon in Robin vol 2 # 13 (1995).
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Even in NYO, Bruce tries to keep an eye on Dick. He still cares – but he's written as (way, way) worse at handling and expressing feelings.
In Grayson Annual #2, Dick talked as if he had decided to leave Robin himself. But the latest interpretation, in Nightwing vol 4 # 79, is back to that Bruce fired him (but Dick made the choice to leave).
It would have been nice with a version where it was up to Dick to decide he had outgrown Robin. But I can live with the story from Batman # 408. Emotionally inept Bruce gets scared by Dick's latest brush with death; at least partly, he uses this as an excuse to push Dick away because he doesn't want to be the one who is rejected. And Dick chooses to leave.
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